I was feeling sorry for her because, while her reviews of this show are indeed shitty (especially this episode), it felt like piling on. Now that I know what she is saying on Twitter, fuck it, pile away.
I was feeling sorry for her because, while her reviews of this show are indeed shitty (especially this episode), it felt like piling on. Now that I know what she is saying on Twitter, fuck it, pile away.
Disney will avoid all charges of racism by making the crows Middle Eastern.
Ah yes, I remember watching the coverage of the OJ Simpson trial on Court TV and thinking to myself, "this is a legitimately great channel."
I loved this show when it was called the Clinton impeachment trial.
I believe he was trying to trace a number that was used by Philip/Elizabeth to establish contact — presumably the number he dialed to inform Elizabeth that he had the Contra spy tied up in his kitchen.
It makes sense that he could succeed where Stan has failed because Philip and Elizabeth revealed themselves to…
You must be the only person in America who doesn't think Spencer is a virgin.
Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one who stopped watching Hannibal because the violence was too disgusting. Nudity is utterly tame in comparison.
Actually, I believe it is common knowledge that once you have been with a woman for a while she actually can do it better than you. This was the basis for the most hilarious joke in the history of Breaking Bad Marie winning the bet to get Hank out of the hospital.
I loved this program when it was called The Cosby Show.
The thing I will miss most about this show is the way Maggie Q and Lyndsy Fonseca would do a sexy strut into a room full of thugs and say some variation of "Hello, boys, you're all about to die." That never got old.
"Paul Simon & Sting: On Stage Together For Part Of The Time And Separately For Part Of The Time, Playing Music For You And Other Members Of The Audience"
The Buzz Aldrin clip above is pure gold. Listening to Aldrin explain that what makes something comedic is mixing "the absurd with what is real" while he is unwittingly demonstrating that very principle is absolute fucking genius.
The coolest thing about Kat talking too much was that snotty confessional where she dickishly said, "You want to learn how to play Survivor? Shut up." That is ironic editing at its finest.
I disagree about The Millers, because FARRRRT.
@avclub-1c30de3bd2529a453779f36a04873bd5:disqus The satire of the "suits who run Hollywood" was hardly subtle in that episode. It was a self-consiously grotesque parody of anti-Semitic stereotypes. Or, just a bunch of anti-Semitic stereotypes, plus a little gay panic.
I never watched Lost, but any other time I've been disappointed with a series finale (cough BSG cough) I don't get pissy about it. I just take it as evidence that creating a TV show is much harder than bitching about a TV show, and it can actually enhance my appreciation of the years when the show was good.
You definitely have a point. Now lighten up and enjoy the dick and pussy jokes.
@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus In the Marty Robbins song the protagonist dies fairly quickly, but he takes more than one bullet. First one in his side, then he sees a white puff of smoke from a rifle and feels a bullet "go deep in my chest." So it's not a perfect parallel.
This is pretty hilarious coming from a person who misspelled Dijonnaise.
The clever part was ending it on Junior's hesitation. He was clearly confused because nothing that was happening made any sense and he had that weird feeling that his entire life was a badly written play. I'd take a minute to marvel at the shit show if I were him.