
Cool story, bro.  But I actually mean it without irony. I loved this story.

Can you please point me to the breakfast joke so that I may read it and like it?

I don't see what is so hilarious about the need for change. True Blood has already changed from a show which doesn't feature Alexander Skarsgard's penis to a show which does feature Alexander Skarsgard's penis.  There are still plenty of penises which can be added to the mix next season.

Sorry, I disagree. I think the author is wrong, but as someone who thinks Mad Men is a giant load of horseshit, I understand where he is coming from. Unpopular opinions are not automatically trolling, and when you strip away the sneering tone (the same kind of sneering I do for Mad Men) you have to admit he makes some

I noticed that Norrie was touching the dome and she said something about "outer space guys" so if their hunches are correct it blows my theory (dome is placed there by vengeful spirit of a witch who was rightly burned for witchcraft 300 years ago).

I like both the old style and the new style, but I watch the older episodes more rarely because they have just gotten better at making them as the years went on.  New episodes in the old style are the best.

Depends on whether you are using the word "literally" correctly.

I can't imagine that the voice in the SHU was a hallucination.  She was in there for less than 48 hours, it takes longer than that to start hallucinating.  It is boring in there, and scary to think she might be there a long time, but surely she didn't lose all sense of time and place — you could probably count the

I liked this missing joke and a lot of other little things like it where there are references but no explanation.  I hope we never, ever find out what happened during the infamous "maple syrup" incident, which led to syrup being declared contraband and earned a place on the list of fuck ups right next to the suicide

I think the Poussey and Taystee friendship is a real highlight, especially when the two actors are free to cut loose — some of their scenes (especially the "white people problems" scene) feel like improvised gold.

I think that Pennsatucky is a very interesting character, though she could be played with more subtlety. She is pure white trash who is suddenly and unexpectedly treated as a hero and a religious leader for an action that was truly awful.  That will screw with anyone's head, and hers was already screwy. To me it feels

I can't wait to see the schtick chosen for the inevitable "Sexual Harassment Samberg" account.

No, we are not. At least I'm not. Comments like this are the exact reason I come here.

Is it just me, or are Quinn and Batista going for a full-on Laurel and Hardy homage now?

Thank you, that had to be said.

Not only that, but she's also exactly slutty enough — not so slutty that she would do anyone, but slutty enough to set the bar lower than me, which is all I care about. Her dirty joke act speaks directly to me.

Please, neurozach, if you are going to perv on comedians, please keep the pervy remarks as general as possible.  You may mention specific body parts, but use only vague euphemisms when discussing how you feel about them or what you would do to them.

Couldn't agree more. The first Knights of the Old Republic changed how I thought about video games, and really felt like I was doing what I wanted to do since I was a kid, living in the Star Wars universe.  I was so immersed that I didn't see the big plot twist coming. It had actual interesting side quests rather than

No, because a plan is formulated to achieve a specific objective. What you describe is a moral philosophy.

I am not sure that "recent PTSD" is a better armchair diagnosis of Shamar than "asshole since birth."