
I would say that The Producers is even more offensive, considering it was parodying a genocide that was less than 30 years old. That's like somebody today making a parody of 90s Rwanda. Almost unreal when you think about how big Mel Brooks' testicles must've been.

My friends and I used the app today. I dunno, it made work go by a lot quicker.

CGI Wendigo? No thanks.

I think I'd probably rank Scorsese above Spielberg, but Scorsese never directed Jaws, so that tends to even them out a bit in my mind.

There's a lot of racism within "the black community." A lot of different skin tones, different hair types, different eyes, different accents, different languages, different ethnicities, different economics, etc.

Actually, that's precisely the accepted argument used to denigrate Bill Maher and his use of the n-word. The logic is that since Bill Maher is white, he has not had that word used against him in a hateful way, so he has no personal experience with the negative effects that word can cause.

Did Ice Cube actually grow up in Compton? Not even being sarcastic. I just think it's erroneous to assume that just because Ice Cube was in a group called NWA, that he actually was an n-word with, well, attitude. I believe Cypress Hill touched on this during their underrated feud with him.

I know I'm not the first person to say this and I know it's been a very long time since Black Korea came out, but man……it is fucking RICH having Ice Cube come out and admonish Bill Maher for using racist language in his work. But whatever. Maybe Ice Cube grew up since the 90s. It's probably all an act for TV, anyway.


Yea, she's completely wrong about Hemingway. it's undestandable why people wouldn't like his style, especially considering the cult of personality surrounding the author, but man…"manly sentimental is the worst kind of sentimental?" I don't even know where to go with that. I mean, I guess?

Please, avclub, allow a man here to mansplain mansplaining….

i cant argue with that. i think diversity actually is important to avoid some kind of de jure racist hiring system in the film industry, for example. and obviously there are certain types of stories that work better with characters from certain backgrounds. the way i see it, the more stories, the better.

then i think we actually agree to an extent, i think.

meh. i grew up a middle class straight cis "white" male and i never really identified with the typical white movie/tv characters. i still dont identify with them simply because they look like me. i mean, who does? its not as if i thought i could ever be john mcclane or rocky balboa or something.

i read that one too

if you havent seen near dark, youre in for a treat

I recognize the distinction. I just know that "punching nazis" isnt going to solve anything. And advocating for violence against law-abiding citizens is not only wrong, but irresponsible and hypocritical. Obviously if a nazi starts a fight with you you should fight back, but barring self-defense you should keep your

So Milo is a horrible person because he "advocates violence" against people, but then the avclub comes out with an article that specifically advocates violence against people and it's somehow okay?

this is so goddamned stupid.