
Some other streaming service better still have Urban Cowboy. I need to be able to stream it whenever the mood strikes.

"Now, let's see if we can lasso a few laughs, shall we?"

Just what the country needs, Red Dawn but with people from New York and Texas trying to kill each other.

As a Masterchef viewer, the real horror is the poor quality of that filet job.

If they were going to kill Toby, the episode would have ended with the classic "flatline" tone instead of him getting CPR.

Somewhere out there is a group of survivors who initially holed-up in a Chunky Soup warehouse and have spent the years lounging about eating Fiesta Chicken and Cheeseburger soup. That is the story I want to explore.

The site linked me to a cool little desktop helper app called Bonzi Buddy. It's this cute purple ape. Can't wait to use it!

"This summer, Ben Foster IS Morgan Spurlock."

Duane Hopwood was really good.

Best part was the drone self-actualizing and killing itself rather than be an accessory to this.

I down-voted the trailer because I found the apparition of Harold Ramis tasteless.

…and Jimmy Fallon giggled for 30 seconds.

…and that's how Infectious Grooves came to be.

He called the shit actor poop!

I was all ready to sign up for HBO Now when it rolled out in April, then it was announced it would exclusively be on Apple TV. Looks like I'll be downloading another season of GOT.

I clicked on the thumbnail on the front page thinking that was Michael Imperioli in the Sopranos. Turns out it's Ross Gellar in a state of undress.

If only Quaid could have interrupted a Dr. Who broadcast with this.

Can't wait for Walking Dead: Special Zombies Unit

Hope they do Cloak & Dagger next.

It's a real leap of faith when you throw a comment out there that relies on people's knowledge of Live from Daryl's House.