
Hope this devolves into a neighborhood spat with Nelson and Daryl Hall shouting at each other to "Turn it down over there!"

"Alexa, tell the family not to go into the garage. Tell them I love them."

I was going to make one for Glenn Quinn but I looked it up and he died 4 years before Twitter launched and then I just got sad that Glenn Quinn is dead.

You have outed me. That's right everyone, this is Floyd "Money" Mayweather.

How does a poor guy make that high-quality of a video?

Like where the dad just keeps looking up then down for the next 20 minutes?

I was hoping the "Deal with it" sunglasses would lower onto the kid at the end.

To this day I am haunted by the scene of the girl going into the outhouse where a guy is taking a dump and sensually sucking on his finger.

Reading all the comments, which greatly echo my own feelings, it appears most people feel this is far from a B episode. I'd say they have all been C- or D so far. A lot of people have stuck with this show through the downward trend to see it through to the end, but even SOA watchers have their limits. And for Christ

He was there, in the van for the attack on the massage parlor. I'd been looking for him all episode.

At this point, I feel like I'm watching a live action Grand Theft Auto game.

Drink when Jax hugs somebody.

You know…for ghosts.

Why don't they just save time, money and heartache and air the 10 best episodes of Amazing Stories?

Episode 1: A suburban, California family's life is turned upside-down when they discover an alien presence in their home. The alien terrorizes the family, attempting to eat their cat.

Yes, Lisa.
Is the salt water ready?
Yes, Lisa.
Shall we begin?

"The Taylors’ date at Chili’s…"

I guess Val just wanted more money, rather than off the show.

How is there no mention of when Valerie Harper was fired from Valerie (later the Hogan Family) due to a nasty contract dispute so they killed her off in a fiery car crash?

Maybe it's just the face he's making, but I'm getting a strong Newt Gingrich vibe from Buzz in that photo.