gusano cerebro

I would hope that it mentions Monsanto's highly litigious attitude towards it's GM seeds - and how overuse of their products is predictably resulting in "superweeds" that are taking over farms.

Yeah, I didn't sense uncooperative as much as succinct. When I see some of these interviews I can't believe someone blathered on for so long after just one question (see Andrew WK). Why is he taking care of his baby? Don't famous people have someone else do that for them? Get a life, Gael!

clap clap clap

a bananafish is a weiner, right?

The clothing they were wearing was period-appropriate for the 1st century, or much earlier.

By George you've got it.

That was the first thing I thought of when I saw the tapestry - it has to have some significance.

My uncle got married in Gatlinburg…
…which is near Pigeon Forge/Dollywood. The rental house we stayed in had dozens of pictures of Dolly plastered all over the walls. It made for decent jerking material. Also, my uncle's wife tried to run him over about 3 years later…an appropriate ending to a Gatlinburg wedding.

Seriously, don't ever shave your eyebrows…if they even do grow back, all the hairs will grow in different directions.

See? We needn't fear zombies, as they will all (re)die within a week due to their terrible diet.

Ah, mercury, sweetest of the transition metals

Vienna Sausages are made of distilled deliciousness.

Where the fuck did all these Australians come from?

Keith, I think you're right…Darwin's ideas buoyed the imagination of the general public…the conversation was no longer confined to the realms of academia and professional scientists.

Having never watched any of Steve Martin's late period abortions, I still enjoy his stuff…the fact that I KNOW they exist doesn't seem to affect my enjoyment of him.

I thought that movie was hilarious… but I saw it alone and laughed out loud multiple times. Just THINKING about it makes me chuckle. "I came."

Nemesis was just blah…uh oh, someone's trying to blow up Earth again! Despite all the action it was boring. They had to have known if it flopped that was the end of TNG's movies, so they inflated the stakes but didn't have the story or characters to back it up. I'm still upset it's the last (probably) TNG movie

tippy toe?

I'd let him pinch my weiner. Not that I'm gay or anything.

Your name is Montgomery Scott? Son of NEEEEEEEEEEERDS!