gusano cerebro

Would ANYONE watch a Star Trek movie with all-new characters?

Double yes!

Several of those figures are punctuation marks.

Agree. My 10-year-old self loved this movie. It had swords, arrows, AND 'splosions. It's not often you get all three.

Picture tube? VCR? They let you have internet access at the nursing home?

He likes soccer, of course he's gay.


I have never seen this movie
What the fuck is wrong with me? I've seen every Trek movie except the first two (yes, even Nemesis). I'm putting this at the top of my Netlfix queue now.

Why can't you start new threads at work? What strange rule allows you to post replies, but not initiate them?

If only it were so easy…
I wish I could escape my problems by jumping out of a helicopter.

Suddenly having "Please kill me" tattooed on my chest seems like a terrible idea.

SIMPSONS DIDIT SIMPSONS DIDIT!!! At this point the only "new" ideas are different characters doing what other characters have already done.

Sigh….I'm not that dumb, I swear! I would like to see Archer immobilized and unable to communicate, along with the rest of the cast of that god-awful show.

For me, the Menagerie provided one of the most iconic images in scifi - the crippled Captain Archer. I do agree that it was Rodenberry (or more likely, the network) being cheap, and that both the original story (You can have everything you've ever dreamed of, but it won't be real!) and the framing device (Why is Spock