
Because I think you're dismissing that storyline unfairly. If it doesn't make sense for the character to have an abortion then the storyline shouldn't be forced because they want to make a statement. I think one of the best episodes on tv about abortion was sex and the city because you had a wide range of reactions,

I think it's a completely legitimate path for a show to take. Not every storyline that deals with abortion should FORCE their characters to have one. The whole point of women's choice is that it is their CHOICE and they should feel guilty making it. I think the statement that it is an option and those who feel like

Oh go and watch Friday night lights! Its on Netflix and it is amazing. I think it has the most well rounded, well realized characters on a tv show. And the sports kind of just heighten the stakes of the show.

I agree that shonda shows handle abortion quite well, but I would say that there are other shows that the character either has an abortion or doesn't choose it because it doesn't feel right for them, but not because it's not right

Friday night lights handled the becky abortion storyline really well, as did parenthood in showing how the guy can disagree and wish it was different while still respecting the girl's choice.

what's TVD's tricky history with abuse? The only thing I can think of is when Elena said that caroline used to sleep with Damon so she's being hypocritical despite the fact that he was effectively mind-raping her all the time

pretty much everyone who isn't in Jane's family are scheming though. It's not like it's JUST the gay characters. It's just characters

the problem is that if you were to break it down; being a superhero is very dangerous, people most likely want to kill you, everyone who knows about your secret identity is in danger. I'm not saying the beats don't get old, or it's not tired or if it's ever well done. I'm just saying, you don't really have a 'secret

Yeah but Noah might gain sympathy for some people; if you have horrible in laws, if you feel like you live among the wealthy and they don't deserve it. I remember last season there were always people who assumed noah's view was more believable and correct and I always thought that was so weird. Yes, alison has been

Oh, i despise Noah, and I definitely think the's the worst, but I can also understand those who really dislike Alison because she is the very essence of make your bed now lie in it. My point is merely that people seem to get far more offended when someone says 'alison is the worst', then when people say 'noah is the

People are happy to write off Noah. I've softened towards alison this season, but last season I really disliked her because she always seemed to cast herself as innocent while she was cheating on her husband. I think in this cast of characters you relate to whoever's mistakes you see as most understandable. It will

You could be right, but I tend to go for budgetary reasons. I reckon they had to cut a couple of characters to stay on the air. Why they cut Kenna specifically, that's another question

A 'huge' network. The cw is actually overall pretty good with female depictions, or at least for a network. It just seems unlikely, unless she said something like 'all sex is rape', that whatever she said was so controversial theyd get rid of her considering how little waves this show in general makes

That feels unlikely, just because it's just such a small TV show and so it's not as if the actress is making real waves or making things worse for the show. It feels more like they had too many characters they didn't know what to do with, or handle that many storylines

Urgh it would have made more sense to put her back with Matt instead of sticking her with basically the only other male on this show

no. NO! I am not into caroline and alaric at all. Come on, just introduce someone new! This is a whole new version of shudder.

the 'for your own protection' is a dumb reason, but there actually IS a legitimate reason to not tell the people you love: the more people who know the secret the less likely it's going to be able to be kept. Also, if the villains know, for example, that lois lane is close with superman, they have a tendency to kidnap

Whaaaat why have they done this? This title defines explanation- lookinglass?!


Everytime. Every time I read avclub reviews for this show there seems to be one complaint- style. Either every one show on tv has an AMAZING sense of style or you're doing that thing where you're grading against the show you think this should be. Either way, style is really not something I pay that much attention to.