
Yeah if you watch to raven and Raja's photo ruview they talk about how by the end of the season they're running out of stuff to wear because they deploy all their impressive items early on

Don't really care that it airs after GOT at all. I'm a sucker for father and son relationships

I felt like the time jump was so good at the outset- it breathed life into everything and then they screwed it up, like always. Stop trying to make Alaric and caroline happen, it's not going to happen! And Matt hates Stefan because matt accidentally killed his own wife? Come on

nobody is arguing that they wouldn't break up or that danny is a dick. It's that his absolute callousness is at odds with someone who has been shown to be deeply caring when it comes down to the wire. you might want them to break up but that doesn't mean the way they've gone about it is believable.

Yeah I actually don't understand that last part at all haha, but I've also given up on trying to understand it. The whole time line hardening thing is silly

I think that's less that they didn't have a plan, and more that barry can't beat zoom until the season finale

ehhh it wasn't great, but it wasn't THAT egregious. I never think time travel plots make any sense, so the fact that this was particularly bad doesn't REALLY bother me. Although I am confused what they mean by time setting now- do they mean because they left their lives in the beginning of the season, or because for

Is it admirable that they decide to have a gun control episode? Did we really need this? Does anybody care what grey's anatomy thinks about gun control?

I thought this was hilarious, and completely in line with the internet's obsession with getting on their high horse about things before they've even had a chance to see it. I thought this was a really interesting satire of cultural appropriation because it is one minority who genuinly believes that he was the other

true. But I think it's super easy for jane to criticise xo's choices when mateo doesn't speak yet. She should remember that Xo did the best she could, and not to judge her for it, considering that jane grew up pretty well

I'm fine with the storyline! I like it, I find it funny. I'm sick of hearing critics bang on about it

what! This episode was hilarious! I do not understand the complaints that it's too wacky or don't have enough stakes. I was legitimately surprised by where they ended the episode. Loved every single moment of it

I don't want to hear anything more about the choice to make jane's character native american. It happened last season and the writers are clearly not going to retcon it. You're either offended or you think it's a funny joke that skewer's hollywood's tendencies to white washing.

They had to mention midichlorines? Really?

Yeah I kind of agree as well, but Michelle is definitely an aesthetic concerned person

Yeah there's definitely the idea that you force kids to do things they don't want. I wish my parents had forced me to learn Italian as a kid instead of trying to learn much older. But I don't think it's indicative or irresponsible parenting, because especially if the kid sucks at it and it's demoralising it's not

I think it bugs me because I can't tell whether the show knows that it's not Jane being like a strong woman but just being really rigid. I mean seriously, who yells at their adviser and then storms out? I would. Immediately go back in and blame it on a head injury or something.

Although jane had a superior point early on in her fight with xo I just find her too judgmental and set in her ways to always be on her side. The salsa thing in particular was grating. Some parents believe they should keep pushing their children when they don't like to do something, and some parents allow them to find

ehhh Michelle has always asked for 'versatility', which is a classic reality show complaint and a stupid drag queen one. I do wonder what she would have said to tyra sanchez, because she was pretty and nothing else.

I think it's hard for the judges to say, well derrick has done badly in the competition, but not badly in the challenge, but she's still in the bottom because overall she hasn't been good. And that's me still wanting derrick to go home. Thorgy is one of those competitors that has sat in the middle and when the