
Im not actually defending callie. I'm just saying it's not the same thing as asking your girlfriend to move to Africa

I'll pay that. My point is that as a group I don't remember them being particularly concerned with body counts up until now

I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying, they are different circumstances

To be fair if they travel anywhere farther back in time than like the 70s it's not great for minorities or women. If they mentioned it every time it would get really depressing.
I don't know why you think they'd be more discriminating about killing people- one of them is an assassin, one is a criminal, one has no

To be fair that was to Africa and they were together. They're not together right now and it's in the same country

Ugh this plot-line drove me nuts. Sometimes I just don't want to continually hear Dre's backward ass 'traditional' viewpoints. The only person who should be concerned about bow's last name is bow. It's her last name.
He can be such a petty little kid I genuinely start to question why she stays married to him

This feels like the kind of statement that because you think is true, everyone thinks is true, and I don't know that it is. I'm not even sure what you're talking about- not that many shows are back for multiple seasons and so far they haven't been bad. Bojack had a way better second season than first season for one

Don't be so living centric

Yeah I quit shows when the characters' personalities and motivations are slaves to plot twists and changes

You're not attacking a tv show you're attacking the physical attributes of a person, and pointing that out is not attacking you.

It's true I'm concerned she's not listening to criticism. Adore used it and improved, chi chi just seems to say well this is what I can do. She needs a Bianca go give her a kick up the ass

She's a hot gluing genius though apparently!

You realise you're quite literally personally attacking someone through your comment right? Seriously if you can't take it don't dish it out

Maybe it was because of the incredibly negative reaction to the finale and the fact that everyone called bullshit on the entire premise. Who would have even watched this?

Unless you're her doctor you don't clearly know anything, and even if she was, it has nothing to do with a message that it's ok to look different. You can't call her hypocritical and then say it's not negative. Hope you're having fun up on your high horse though.

right. because people are completely infallible. She's also admitted that she loves crazy diets- it doesn't mean she can't try and promote positive body images.
Anyway, you really have no idea what she's done or hasn't done- watching drag race has shown me that makeup and contouring can completely change facial

urgh look I understand wanting to break them up but demonizing danny like that is just unbelievable. He was always a jerk but I don't believe he would be so cavalier about sleeping with women, especially considering how puritanical he's meant to be. It feels like they've been really forcing us to hate danny instead of

Although if he dies after they have sex we have classic girl punished for having sex and we're right back to where we started

Really, because I would think the solution would be having a variety of murder suspects with a variety of motives, which is what they're doing. Elementary is not trying to be broadchurch or the killing, it is a procedural in which the case by case suspects are shallowly sketched, like most, if not all, procedurals

To be fair, she's turning it for the lip synchs. It's more when its like pearl v trixie where they clearly deserve to go home. I think ru often places a lot of importance in the lip synch than overall performance because she likes seeing fire in the queens when they're in trouble. That's why acid betty went home- she