
Have we met joe's doppelgänger? that would be interesting if he was zoom. But evil barry does make more sense

man this show can be extremely sad for the CW. I don't even really care about major but i just wanted some good for them! Also I was pretty sure peyton was going to die so that was pleasantly surprising. i was also happy that my 'the famous guy is the killer' assumption was changed

That's not manipulation. It's condescending but it's not manipulating you. He actively broke up with her. Manipulating her would be being shit on purpose so she thinks breaking up with him is her idea. Neither is avoiding a conversation where you know where it's going. It feels like you're conflating every bad quality

Of course part of her confidence is bravado. I didn't even think that was a question

Uhhhh reading into rafael's actions much? I really don't think he's manipulative at all. Hes been open about his feelings and gas been struggling with his family and his hotel and his ex-wife. He's actually been surprisingly (begrudgingly) ok with Michaels presence so I don't where you've gotten all this 'rafael is a

ugh just kill francis off already. dragging it out does nobody any good. Is Kenna still on this show?

I love john noble and think he's going to be an excellent addition. I don't know why we're already complaining about the lack of joan in the first episode- there is limited amount of time in every episode, and she still had plenty to do.
Also I dont think they're sweeping sherlock's relapse under the rug. as

Nobody cares what you're going through for a reason Laurel. Everyone told you that raising sara was the worst idea ever, and the reason it's not hypocritical of oliver is because thea wasn't dead. Also, he didn't lose thea and let her kill multiple people. Oliver doesn't see you as his equal because you're kind of an

this episode was so, so funny. With the medical examiner and the 'fight' between blaine and ravi? Turning blaine human was such a smart thing for the show to do.

of course you are! I just think it's interesting, particularly as someone who's not american, the issues we pick up on and others we ignore. I know I have a better radar for when I think something is sexist because I'm more attune to picking it up.

I'm not confused about why people didn't like season 1. I got bored after a couple of episodes and came back when I heard they'd done something more interesting with Ward. I just don't know why people are STILL talking about it

I understand that's a problem, but it seems weird to ignore the other minorities they cast on the show. I personally think they've done a really good job, for example, at making the Asian woman more than a zen martial arts master

OK yes but I don't know why they're still complaining about it. We're now 3 seasons in, move on! Parks and rec had a legitimately terrible first season, nobody talks about that all the time

I feel like I kind of missed the climax (phrasing?) I thought the sheriff was evil and was going to kill them but then he… grew a conscience?

None of these relationships are healthy

It's actually really interesting (vulture is doing this whole best high school series). Kevin Williamson, the creator based dawson on himself and always saw dawson and joey as the end game. But he left at the end of season 2 and the writers were struggling in a slump and so they decided to put joey and pacey together

so true. they really seem to struggle with successful relationships on this show

… but he sucks. who picks someone with a good home life over someone awesome? urgh dawson

Pacey was never a real underdog though. Because he was against dawson who was hardly top dog

I dont know if this aired in the U.S but there was something about miriam where it was kind of like the bachelorette except the big secret was miriam was pre-op transgender. It was a horrible, cruel show. I can't imagine anyone rebooting it considering the contestants sued the company for mispresentation.