
I haven't seen this episode yet but I am not super keen for mindy to stay at home. For one thing she loves her job, and for another separating her and having most of her storylines revolve around the baby may get old very fast. But they'be surprised me so far, so we'll see.
I cannot imagine being a stay at home mother.

really? I never believe noah's version. I always think he's casting himself in the best possible light where he's the aggrieved ex-husband and yet he still does such dickish things.

I really enjoyed this, and appreciate the focus on Helen. Last season she was just seen through Noah's eyes and it made it hard to get a read on her exactly. This time I feel like I believe her side of the story more, although I'd say in their perspective Noah still comes off like a massive arsehole. I love Dominic

what world are you living in? Seriously this is not a hot topic and spoiler alert, nobody cares! You don't get to decide what is sexist and what isn't. Just because it also happens to be representative of a patriarchal society does not mean the practice in and of itself is sexist.

ok well a) you can't just decide whether a tradition is sexist or not because you happen to think it is. I disagree. I do not think it is sexist, just as I don't think a woman choosing to take her husband's name is sexist, just as I think a woman choosing to stay home with her children isn't sexist. I am a feminist,

Well the right isn't written into our constitution so it's much easier to regulate. After the Port Arthur massacre the government did a massive recall where people were paid to hand in their firearms and the laws were made far more stringent. It's just never really been part of our culture- people use guns for hunting

Urgh no its not! just because it is a tradition under a patriarchal society doesn't mean it's sexist. Guess what- when a woman chooses to take her husbands last name it is not inherently sexist. She is making a choice, and as fully consenting adults they should be able to make whatever choice they want without being

I haven't see this episode yet, but I can imagine that as an Australian I will watch with half horror/ half fascination. It didn't even occur to me that this would be an argument a family would have on a sitcom! Maybe it's because using a gun as a defence against a home intruder sounds ludicrous to me- in my state you

Having your children take the father's name isn't sexist, it's just convention, and the parents' choice. 95% of families have their children take their father's names, including feminists

No? Neither is 'better' than the other. Most people use the father's last name for their children. A TV show's role doesn't have to be choosing the route a minority of people think SHOULD be the reality instead of what actually is the reality. It can just do the mainstream thing sometimes. There is no reason why for

This will mean nothing to anyone not-Australian, but blue juice does an on point version of End of the Road on Like a Version

… there are other ways to stream

Uh… leo castellano-lahiri is just ridiculous and kind of cruel to a child.


I feel like the tattoos are a device with diminishing returns. The procedural elements could really drag this show down if they're not careful

It's still pretty coincidental that they have a case and ONLY jane doe knows Chinese, and then only jane doe is waiting outside for the terrorist. So these are all conspiracies that the bearded man concocted to ensure that only jane doe is not only the key, but is also physically the only person who can solve them?

I hope grandfathered does well purely because I discovered when listening to the thrilling adventure hour that pager Brewster is absolutely hilarious and I still wish the beyond belief pilot had been shown. Do well paget!

The dialogue is super clunky but so far I'm handling it. I feel like the tattoo thing is going to get old REALLY quickly, and I hope they have a plan outside 'oh hey guys, this tattoo reveals yet another conspiracy that just coincidentally uses Jaime Doe's special skills'.
Right now the agents are basically just straw

That's how I know him! So many of people on this show look familiar. It took me ages to work out that the 9/11 girl was the one from unreal

I'd actually be pretty impressed if they went all in and made Alex the terrorist, but there's no way they do that. I really hope it's not the girl in the hijab, as that would be kind of insulting and also boring.
This shown has a lot of promise but right now there are too much characters- I have no idea what anyone's