
Man that bill Hader stuff was SO weird, but funny. I thought the jake-amy stuff was done really well, but I just don't really feel it for some reason. I hope nick cannon is done; it's the one thing on this show that I can't work our what they're doing

This is why I stopped watching scandal. I kept thinking the show would realise Fitz is an awful human being and that their so-called epic love story is bullshit. But every time nope! Here they are, back again. It is exhausting, and I'm sick of watching the show celebrate an emotionally abusive, narcissistic, selfish

I stopped watching this about half way through last season where I realised I hated everyone on it and none of the characters liked each other AT ALL. But now that that annoying rebecca chick is dead, is it time to pick it back up?

I'm so glad Mindy is back! Love this show so much. But personally I think, considering how dangerous and terribly wrong child birth can go, the hospital is the way to go. Paleo-birth is an hilarious conceit, and the Delaurias forget that back then most women died in childbirth. Although Mindy also seemed to forget

I mean… i feel like you've given this show too much credit. It's not subtle, it's not edgy, and it's not funny. There were a couple of moments that interested me but honestly I was kind of bored. Also chloe is 100% the dullest person on this show

I'm 24 and I've seen the mask. I don't get some of the nostalgia jokes because I don't remember much earlier that 1997-8 but also I'm not American. But I think there's enough there that seeped through to make it relatable

but why wouldn't they bring a translator with them to the address?

this wasn't that bad, but some of it really sucks. The main guy is hella boring, and I am not into the clear forcing of a love interest. Also some of the procedural parts are ridiculous- the tattoo was in mandarin and they don't automatically bring a translator? and also, chinese is not a language! No way would the

Breathe slowly. In and out, in and out.

Sigh I love NPH, and he has managed to make several characters/things that should be awful pretty damn charming. I didn't even mind the gimmicks of his autobiography. It's the first episode, I'll cut him some slack while the show finds its feet. But personally I think he should include snatch game

OK there are a couple of things terribly wrong about this article
Firstly, this is less for our consideration and more duh. Of course the breakfast club holds up.
Secondly, 10 things I hate about you does NOT fall short. I am whelmed by this article, but only in Europe

I disagree about Quinn- while she's not particularly sympathetic, I like watching her, and think she is awesome in an 'as-long-as-she's-fictional way. At least she owns and is self-aware of her callousness and priorities, instead of Rachel, who is troubled on the surface but when push comes to shove is just as

I actually hope Stella comes back; while I find Piper and Alex super boring I really like Ruby Rose. Also I'm going to be pissed if Nicky is gone.

I definitely disagree with the idea that piper has suddenly seemed selfish. She's always been selfish, she's just more aware of it now. Besides, I'd cheat on Alex for Ruby Rose. She's hot.

well i specifically tried to keep it vague and just saying I was satisfied with it. Not really sure how i'm meant to discuss a criticism specifically relating to the use of a character and their overall place in the series without mentioning that I'm overall satisfied with it.

I disagree with the Alex criticism; I like them giving a sense of importance to her storyline, and I enjoy anytime the show highlights the dangers of prison. I especially like the way it ends up playing out.

I don't just mean support financially, I mean support them as a surrogate mother figure. Which would require her leaving at least some of her own dreams behind

Well I hope Sally will be ok, but the last scene of her wasn't exactly a fist bump moment.

So you think it's an overall message re. society or did don create the ad from his experience?

…ok. I think that's a very nice way of describing a saccharine coke ad