
well in season 4 she was sired to damon right? So, dumb as that storyline was, there was at least at explanation why her focus was Damon.

still, remember how supportive of her he was when she first turned? You'd think he might remember that this is elena, one of his best friends, and that she didn't choose to be a vampire

Having just re watched season 2 I don't find it as plot convenient that suddenly elena wants to be human. The most interesting part of her was that evens though she lived stefan she never wanted to be a vampire.

Because she's always wanted a normal life and she can't get that in mystic falls. When nina dobrev was asked what advice she'd give her main character she answer 'get the fuck out of mystic falls!!'

I don't think the members of broadchurch are the jury. They would have taken people from the county and have them commute

That makes so much more sense! I was legitimately sitting here for five minutes so confused, thinking we DEFINITELY drive on the left side of the road

I'm such a fan of this show. Even though she does it every week Jessica's angry bemusement at Orlando never fails to make me laugh.

This show keeps getting better and better. I love the possibility of a love interest that's not Major; even in the couple of scenes they had they were more interesting than liv mooning over Major

particularly considering that adele isn't really THAT fat

she made her so self-absorbed that she was confused by the word match? I understood the 'it doesn't matter if I didn't sing it' runner, but her utter obliviousness of where she was, to me at least, made it seem more like the impressions the queens do of jessica simpson or britney spears

Ok but ben de la was basically playing maggie smith's Dowager Countess. It made sense that she was clueless because she didn't understand modern.

season 4 or season 6. Bianca del rio is my favourite queen ever. I remember watching snatch game and rewinding 'dumb is forever' about a million times

true, but I guess the difference is alaska randomly decided to play a boy character for no reason, whereas kennedy picked a specific impression she was doing for an impression challenge

ginger minj playing adele as fat and having food, seems like she's basically doing the same thing as latrice royale and stacie matthews from previous years, which I have never found funny. Her being dumb was funny but I was confused when they said it was a dead on impersonation- since when is adele a total moron?

I wonder if peggy is legitimately jealous of stan and pima, and if so, will they fulfil what every fan must want and get those crazy kids together. I would totally watch a spinoff adventures of peggy and stan, power couple through the 70s

I despise the defence lawyers. I don't care that they're doing their jobs; they're so smug about it, so determined to railroad the other lawyer they're ignoring everything else. And this is coming from someone studying to be a lawyer!
I have no issue with defence barristers & solicitors; everyone has the right to

My mum was unable to breast feed me as well. She tried so long that another doctor had to intervene. I turned out fine. I think what everyone should remember is that mothers will do the best they can, and as long as they're doing that nobody should judge

This was a really good episode- i loved the runner with evan (?) missing out on everything because he needs to pee

oh come on! One day we will live in a world without region blockers

Was that scene in the pilot with her mum, peyton and the guy major or the brother? I don't remember