
that… isn't true. He wasn't a sperm donor- a sperm donor signs a contract understanding they have no legal right to parenthood. He has as much right to the baby as if Jane had slept with him. So that theory doesn't make much sense

There seems to be a suggestion in this show that having a nanny is neglecting your child. But Rafael says in a perfect world he'd love to take off all the time in the world, it's simply not practical. His job is not one where he can take some time off from. It doesn't mean he doesn't want to be there.

Alright, well that this was just an oddly speculative conversation then

It's definitely true; it's like the number 13 in Western culture but often taken more seriously. Although there are plenty of hotels and buildings in the West that don't have room 13 or 13th floors

I think it's keeping to a kind of veronica mars structure with case of the week + overriding storyline. I think a balancing act is needed for shows like this- the procedural element grounds the show, and keeps it from becoming too complicated while they ease everyone in

I liked this episode; it feels like they're easing into a good pattern; increasing and complicating the long running story lines while getting used to the characters through the episodic elements. It's a cute show, and the characters all play really nicely with each other. A couple of notes:

WHAT! Because he's struggled and petra is attracted to bad boys there's a distinct possibility he's abusive?! You're making some HUGE leaps there

I don't know where you got the abusive part from, but I agree on most of what you've said. I'd also point out that it would be nice for Jane to recognise the vastly different viewpoint Rafael is coming from. Like last episode when she said he acts selfishly. Yes, he might drink sometimes and act rashly but that might

Ok, but seriously he RUNS A HOTEL. In what world can someone easily take time off running a normal hotel, let alone one where multiple people have died, and the owner was killed by his wife the drug lord, after which his psycho ex-wife gained controlling interest? You'd think Jane would notice a least like a 3rd of

I understand that Jane is morally against nannies, and money etc, but I wish she didn't always have such a knee-jerk reaction to everything. Just because you were raised doing one thing doesn't mean you can't be open to new ideas.

yeah, I didn't say ken was poor, I'm saying nobody like to hear anyone complain about how freaking difficult it is to be filthy rich.

Please, that's what he spent most of season 4 doing. There's always a couple of episodes every season where he's just sleeping around. You could argue he's more comfortable with it now I guess, and less of a mess but personally I don't find it an interesting story to retread. Nor do I find all of his life crises

uh yeah, except when he was complaining about how difficult it was being a millionaire to someone who just got fired

At this point I'm kind of sick of seeing don sleep around, joan and peggy snipe at each other and pete be obnoxious. It feels like from the end of hiatus everyone just took a huge step back.

This criticism seems a little unfair. Is it a funny joke that they can't recognise gay couples if they don't make the examples outlandishly ridiculous? It's not as if they're making particular fun of gay culture; there's no gay panic joke or anything. It is a show that gets a lot of its material from playing with, or

Has ru stopped saying 'don't fuck it up', or did I imagine that?

This show was so cute. I loved how light they kept it. Even when swapping couples around, and having couples fight there was always a lightness to it that was so refreshing. I always liked watching it after the exhausting melodrama of all other CW shows. I always felt like the characters genuinely liked each other,

yeah, i remember it being a plot point that he was so young at some point. Although I think I thought he was older than 20

this is such a cute show. I love seeing the bullshit stereotypical artist babble because she ate the artist's brains.

well i think the key would be removing conde and leaving mary less hamstrung by her obligations to France or her duty to francis because that's boring. It would give the show an ability to reorientate itself and get out of the black hole of plot lines they seem to stuck in.