
I think i'd actually be psyched for them to kill off francis. Not because I dislike him- he's gotten better recently, but because it would be a refreshing reboot for the show. Get rid of Conde, Bash etc and end these tired love triangles

just because conspiracy theories exist doesn't mean they're true. Abraham Lincoln was 100% killed by John Wilkes Booth. Sorry. No room for doubt there. the person sitting next to him saw it.

I mean; yes drugging lana was bad but so was hiring someone to test archer who proceeded to shoot him. So I guess it evens out?

Your analogy becomes invalid when you suggest that a cheese board is not 100% satisfying on its own

Ok well that pretty much invalidates every single thing that happened EVER. Which is not only dumb but completely impractical

Ah huh, so the hundreds of eye witnesses, a journal entry confirming the act and a confession in your eyes are slander or rumours? Because they're not.

this is a very cute tv show considering it's about a zombie. I like a less melodramatic twist on the supernatural

uh yeah, i'm aware of that. I'm saying your reasoning that we weren't there so it's fictional is dumb

I can't tell whether you're joking or whether you've missed the whole point of what i just said.


so… anything we didn't personally witness makes it fictional?
Huh, I guess abraham lincoln didn't get murdered by John Wilkes Booth then. If you didn't see it, it didn't happen!

ha any remaining jacobites.
Yeah well I don't think they put a LOT of thought into it, but it seems like they went out of their way to not name them like any of the current or recent monarchs. So maybe it was on purpose?

totally agree. i mean come on they must have at least watched romeo + juliet

uh… call me YOUNG she doesn't know macbeth?
Come on, I studied it in high school!

look this show doesn't make any sense, but for the sake of argument:
- Helena is the queen consort so she wasn't always part of the royal family
- the daughter is eleanor which seems pretty royal, the same with Penelope
- simon is legitimately an old english name

It really does seem like someone's always trying to assassinate them. Was the implication that robert was killed because he was the crown prince or just because being in the military was his royal duty?

I can't decide if this is so horrible it's awesome, or just horrible. It's absolutely veering into hate watch territory but we'll see.

she wanted to wait casting actors for her parents. She's spoken about how in the office they used her real parents, but her mother has died since then. I think the death really affected her and she wanted to either wait to cast someone or doesn't want to because it's painful

is anyone confused why they didn't just stake damon's mum?

oh yeah ok I get where you're coming from. I think I just assumed it was a gender thing because TVD does legit have a damsel in distress issue with Elena.