
I love it when stefan doesn't give a fuck. He's most like that with damon now that they're not fighting over elena. The brothers need more screen time

Is it cheating if you've both decided you can sleep with other people? I wouldn't really call what francis or mary is doing cheating really. They just have a super depressing open marriage

Really? Look, I get that people don't like stefan but any time a character on this show flips the switch every other character tries to save them. You seem to be implying that it's a gender thing (if i'm wrong I apologise) and I think that's unfair. Elena spent the large part of season 3 trying to save Stefan and

They really do love turning Stefan back into a ripper, don't they? I can't complain though, paul wesley is so good at it.
Does it say something about the show that almost all the characters are more fun when they turn off their humanity switch. It may because they finally stop whining about their issues all the time.

I personally want them to hire the best person. If he was the funniest person they had that clicked with the cast I have no problem that he's a guy. I trust mindy kaling that she is trying to hire the funniest people she can, and that's all I really want.

I agree with vanessa Williams but John cho should always be in shows. If they had stayed in SF I would have hoped he came back

Uh… there's also the fact that it's incredibly unethical to claim that you have experience in fertility because your boyfriend was sterile when he wasn't. Pointing out that that's not true isn't just about danny ' s pride

it's probably not at clear at is could be, you're right. But it also didn't bother me particularly- i think I'm pretty willing to fill in the blanks as long as they're not legitimate plot holes

I love how they throw out little moments like 'there are more people here than at my trial!' And I liked that they brought back her out loud narrations on the train

I don't think she quit the fellowship. I think it ended and she was just going to stay in san francisco with her boss

I had no problem with the amy/jake stuff- they're fooling around in a way that feels totally true to their relationship. Yes it's a bit jarring to see when they decide to care about it, but i don't think it detracts from the story. I also don't really have an issue with the more sitcomy elements- jake is kind of

Yeah i just think he's immature and the only relationships he sees between guys and girls are his parents and then rap videos. He's immature so he treats women in an immature way. If he's still acting like that when he's 20 then yeah, he's misogynistic, but hopefully he grows out of it when he actually has

yeah, the SHERIFF. But I've legitimately lost count of how many police officers have died

WHAT. swiss miss has one of my all time favourite archer jokes ever. 'so you lost'. 'we came third… IN THE WORLD'. 'you lost'. 'it was a huge disappointment. we trained so hard and so long!'

well yeah. I don't know why they drive anywhere when they can run super fast. But if we're going down that road we're opening the show up to a LOT of inconsistencies

I get the vampire issues, but in the show's admittedly weak defence, stefan didn't know he had to hurry. It's not as if he sprinted there and JUST missed her, which is the real unfortunate timing trope

Matt also seems to have forgotten than in mystic falls being a police office is like walking around with a target on your back

I think it's a way better, more realistic way to handle things. Most people don't fall in love and know they're with the one the moment they kiss. If Stefan and Caroline date they're jumping headlong into a serious relationship. It's smart he's trying to work out the best thing to do. It doesn't mean he's settling

I always love it when this show remembers Mary is an actual queen.

This seems like it's pretty similar to the elena loses her humanity storyline from a couple of seasons ago. I hope they distinguish it, but I can imagine it hitting the same beats