
Maybe don't comment on my post if you don't like the fact I think accusing an 11 year old of misogyny stupid. If you don't want to engage, it's easy. Don't.

a) i don't think the show is making him particularly likeable nor do i think they have to
b) i'm sick of all the conversations about whether eddie is or is not misogynistic

It's an 11 year old crushing on 13 year old girl. He's going to see her like that. It's creepy if you thought she was sexy, not if he did

God I cannot handle a 13 year old kid saying sploosh. Too much Archer

Da fuck was that hungarian accent? Why give a random a 'correct' accent, and have every 'french' person speak in an english accent? It's madness!

You could argue that it's actually more realistic- how many kids get to have one last moment of bonding with their parent as they die? It seems to often happen when you're not expecting it.
But… this is a TV show, so it would have been nice to see

well at least one dead weight is gone. Although the timing is weird- Jeremy promises to get bonnie out of Mystic Falls then disappears. Sure.

You're an idiot

I think you're right, but I also think if she didn't know she was pregnant she wouldn't be so insecure about it. Personally for my family relationships I wouldn't be offended if my boyfriend said 'I think my family should handle this together' because I'm not family and I don't think I should involve myself. But

Uh huh. I'm a doormat and woman hating because I'm suggesting you're too liberal with the use of abusive when you're taking about a guy complaining about his girlfriend deciding they were both moving to the other side of the country

I mean, I'd be like.. uh she just slapped me, do you maybe want to do something? But I wouldn't slap her back! She's a kid and I'm an adult. I'm aware that I'm not allowed to minors. I feel like once you've slapped your boyfriend's niece you should probably get out of there

I get where you're coming from, but I saw it in a different light. I think when you just have a boyfriend/ girlfriend they aren't necessarily family. They're someone you love, and care about, but you might not want to expose them to your deadbeat dad and crazy mother who doesn't like your partner getting together for

uh… that's not abusive.

It actually didn't bother me much this time. I have a very weird family and I don't even like introducing my boyfriend to my family let alone have him sit in with my insane family problems. I don't think he's disrespecting her, I think he genuinely doesn't want her to get stuck with his family issues. I think there

uh, I totally disagree about conde being a 'nice guy' in this episode. I think it was more true for the last episode where he wouldn't shut up about francis, but I think he had a very good point here. Mary knows how he feels and she's trying to use that to protect her kingdom, asking conde to betray his brother. That

that is the problem I have on this show all the time. Am I meant to feel for fitz, or am I meant to think he's a rage monster man-child?

they have legitimately not given any reason, except I guess that enzo could kill him? Also, for some reason matt decided he hated all the vampires in mystic falls even though they're all his friends and have saved his life like a MILLION times

It would be better if we ever saw enzo interact with damon. But considering damon has not been dead for months, maybe enzo should just move on!

Fitz is the worst president in the world.

also it makes less sense the more they develop the story. It's like the writers think enzo is a really entertaining character, but he's not because nothing he does makes any sense