
TVD always has this weird thing where there's a main plot and there's a sub plot, and the people in the subplot have absolutely no clue what's happening in the main. It's usually caroline as well- when she was with matt, or helping tyler. They can even be at the same party, and while one person is dying, the other is

I have no idea if empathetic kai will work in the long run, but that was damon's story for a long time. I was rewatching season 1 over my summer break this year- damon is straight up villain in the first half of that season

It amazes me that with every moment enzo as a character makes less and less sense. How, HOW is that his plan?! He seriously needs a hobby

I am generally not a fan of pregnancy plotlines- I think kids often make shows boring and I don't think jokes about how kid won't stop crying and the mother is all hormonal particularly funny. Maybe it's because I'm young and have very little contact with children but I rarely like pregnancy plot lines.

the worst is that his main complaint seems to be that stefan doesn't care about damon, but then enzo spends approximately zero time with him

Scandal- the president and the… fixer, or whatever olivia is. They won't shut up about making jam in vermont. They're the worst.
It's just a term that tries to convince the audience the relationship is doomed and meant to be, even though they're usually just selfish and irritating

I get that the writers like snarky hot people, but they should actually have a point

Ok, but was Bash really being self-righteous to point out that maybe Kenna scheming to have Diane and Bash potentially executed to remain the king's mistress is not just 'in the past'? And yes, Bash has killed lots of people, but usually it's not a) in his own interest and b) he doesn't expect the victim to marry him.

The people on The Vampire Diaries have super fucked up priorities. They always care about their special person over every other single person on the planet. Tyler, Damon, they're always happy to sacrifice whoever to help save one person. They're obviously not utilitarian

it made up for whatever the hell sarah and kristina were doing on that dance floor

Seriously, don't question the logic of the vampire rules and magic. It never makes ANY sense. The cancer twist is weirdly specific though

I'm trained to hate so-called 'epic' romances ever since they kept shoving olivia and fitz down our throats. The only truly epic relationship is logan and veronica

No. No enzo. I am sick of sociopathic characters on this show getting a free pass because they're hot and funny. At least Klaus' evilness made sense- Enzo is just randomly and indiscriminately evil for no reason except 'stefan was mean to caroline'.

really? What shows have awesome evil gay master villains? I'm legitimately asking by the way

but… you had to know there was no way luke was surviving, right? I mean, I kept forgetting his name which is never a good sign.
Not saying that's good, but totally expected

I thought the Friday Night Lights finale was better because it was more open- we don't know how any of the characters will do, they just have opportunities that could go well or not. This was very much tying everything up into a tidy little bow

I was going to say, point for clone krieger greeting lana as 'hey… you!'

Of course Elena managed to make Sheriff Forbes' death all about her. She always does. Now that Damon and Elena are together, can we just move on? The only thing more boring than them together are the ridiculous road blocks they keep throwing up just so elena can say, for the 18th time 'i don't care what anyone else

so, so true.

sometimes I get really confused by what the writers want us to see and what we actually are. Because leith reads like such a massive dick, and I'm really not sure whether he's meant to or not