
100% ryan turns up in the next couple of episodes, which is nice and good for TV, but between this and julia and joel it might have been good to remember that some couples don't stay together

you said that people can't tell the difference because black people like it and thus they're the same, implicating me in that comment considering you were replying to my post. If you were referring to people in general and not me, you should be more clear.

right, well thanks for stopping any intelligent conversation by claiming i'm a racist.

I agree with everything you're saying, but that doesn't change the fact that personally I would argue the general world is less homophobic and that EVENTUALLY that permeates into the hip hop community. But again, I don't disagree with anything you've said.

because they're linked? because the character we're talking about is also an R&B singer and thus has the same role to play as Frank Ocean? Because Frank Ocean is often described as being a rapper? Because you can't separate R&B and rap and say 'there's no relation there and thus it's not relevant'?

I didn't think this was as good as the pilot, but I still liked it. I don't know whether I love this crazy Andre or hate it. I do love that apparently when Andre slides into a manic stage he apparently talks in the third person like he has an alter ego or something.

yeah, i never claimed there was no homophobia, or that it isn't prevalent or that it isn't horrible. I'm just saying that there's no way it is as bad as it used to be. Think of what would happen if Frank Ocean had tried to come out 10, or 20, or 30 years ago. You can think it's gotten better without thinking it's good.

but there clearly IS less homophobia in hip hop now than there used to be. The very fact that Frank Ocean can come out and still be successful is a sign of that. Nobody is saying it's perfect, or that the homophobia doesn't exist, but to suggest it's as bad as it was 30 years ago is like saying 'some people are still

well you suck as a father if you shove your gay kid into a rubbish bin

I mean, is IT the pilot- so far most of these characters have been painted with pretty broad strokes. Either they all deepen past these stereotypes or the whole thing becomes a mess pretty quickly. Personally I'm in wait and see mode

god, I know it's a cliche but every time lucious rejects jamal i want to cry. I really like the relationship he and hakeem have. I really hope they keep up the supportive brother relationship

True, although it's not weird in theory that a fight would spiral. I guess it comes from mindy blaming danny for the situation and danny pointing out she asked him to stay?

the reviewer seems to have issues with story lines involving adultery that aren't taken seriously. I don't know that the foot job was all that funny, but it a) was used to spark a legitimate fight between mindy and danny and b) does it need a point?

or it's your smug and generally intolerable attitude. that's also a possibility.

Did we ever think she married Richard because she actually loved him though? I thought she just wanted the perks

You know you're kind of a dick
Just fyi, there's a difference between being supportive and being dismissive. Having no income isn't really something to dismiss

Sigh. Awkward choice of words


I mean, it was 2 years later. is it really surprising she'd get sick of richard, who is such an idiot? She's kind of awesome- i love the idea that she's kind of just a bitch who doesn't need saving in the slightest and just likes being queen.

I hate when a TV show tries to spend so much time convincing us how amazing a character is when they give us absolutely no proof. It almost makes me hate the character more because they make such an effort to make us like them