
I need for something to actually happen with alicia and finn. After alicia and will it would just be a nice catharsis. I'm pretty glad the trial of carey is over- it's been a great storyline but I think any longer and it would have dragged on

for one thing, definitely disagree on the no-no list. I thought that, though i guess a sitcom staple, was pretty funny. This was perhaps less so, but I still loved vacation terry and Hitchcock and scully's sunken casino scheme. There are so many little moments like 'separate but equal- forget I said that', that appear

yes, because when i said 'there's nothing worse', what i clearly meant was 'in the world the very worst thing that could ever happen to you including tsunamis and death'. It's not possible I was being at all hyperbolic

I think this show has been pretty clear that it's difficult to work in an orchestra and support yourself- even the ones in the philharmonic have multiple jobs. So I can't see any harm in accepting a day job in the world of music that allow you to network and get to know the system, the people, and the music, while

Alex is a dick. I wonder if the show realises he's a douche or if they think he's refreshingly mellow or something. There's nothing worse than being scared you have no money and some asshole trying to tell you it doesn't matter.

I understand being pro delena, but surely it would be more interesting if they didn't keep throwing up bullshit obstacles that they don't even commit to.

it's usually just stefan, but he doesn't ever have super great reasons for hating him

oh, i understand- it's not the same murderer but it's for the same reason?

yeah a love that lasts forever is about 5 episodes

So… it was even the same murderer? Seriously why wouldn't you just watch broadchurch? It's so good!

I agree with everything in this comment. I feel like I could turn on this show 6 months from now and see exactly the same damon and elena story.

every time they've had ghosts or supernatural elements it's always been a fake out. I'm assuming they're doing the same here, but isn't it a bit much to have both henry and catherine go crazy? Maybe clarissa is secretly poisoning her and nostradamus will save the day. What the hell happened to him anyway? Is he still

- i think they explained the twins merging with a blanket 'you don't get it, this is the way of our clan' which is stupid, but I guess they tried?

I did tell you the CW never keeps its couples together for long. I don't know how it will read for the characters, but i'm betting the writer's plan is to have conde being the person mary turns to in her hour of need. Although they also seem to be playing at the idea of him being a spy, so it could go either way.

i am not very pleased with the way the rape is playing out. It seems like they're using it for two reasons- 1) to give more meat to francis's character which is a terrible reason to rape a female character and 2) to create a rift between the two leading the way for mary to have an affair with conde. Which again I

so those who tried to convince me that merlyn had the good of thea in mind when he was training her, i'm guessing they've changed their mind?
If this show wasn't so ridiculous I'd write this storyline off, but it's arrow, so i'm good with mind control as a plot point.
Such a good mid season finale- arrow always sticks

Uh I wouldn't say that game of thrones no longer has the element of surprises. Or at least my friends who haven't read the books did not agree with you regards the end of the fight between Oberyn and the mountain. They were pretty sure they wouldn't create such an awesome character for about 5 episodes

i find it interesting that noah believes romeo and juliet's as pure considering the fact that despite leo's angelic face, at school it was pointed out that mere hours before meeting juliet he professed his undying love for rosalie. So for me it was always lust and impetuousness that drove juliet and her romeo.

I think (?) It's because a) alaric sees it as a more of a betrayal because they're close and b) I'd say that it is DEFINITELY in Sarah's best interest to forget all about mystic falls and never come back, whereas it's clearly not in alaric or jo's best interest to give damon the ascendant. It's still a horrible thing

Yeah but he was in his ripper phase then right? I feel like ripper stefan and normal stefan are totally different people. Still, even if he is a little Enzo ish, he doesn't go around murdering people for fun and then says 'I'm awesome'. He kills prior for fun and then spends another century brooding about it and