
I think it's because mindy wants to get the casting right. Her mum died and I'm assuming it's an emotional issue for her

woah mate. you can argue that LEMON is frumpy and nerdy and a late bloomer, but tina fey? Come now, did you not watch the golden globes?
Alec Baldwin is an overweight rage monster who is like a grown up shia le bouf. Tina Fey absolutely owns her own attractiveness.

Big fan of this episode- i thought they made good use of all the characters, plus plenty of gratuitous scenes of shirtless guys. what's not to like?

… coz that was the catalyst, and then they doubled down and made it so that men are openly angry and women have emoji fights

yeah i wouldn't mind it if they took a stereotype and subverted it, but they kind of just let the stereotype play and because it's a comedy i can't tell if they're winking at it or if they're playing it more or less straight

i don't know whether to keep watching this or not, it feels kind of masochistic.
Having said that, i completely agree laurie and jo should have gotten married. the professor was the worst, and to me amy will always be the bitch who burned the manuscript

I think there's a difference between liking weird sex stuff and an attitude towards sex. I think it would be difficult to watch bad in bed, for example and think jess' attitude towards sex isn't childish. then it disappeared, and i started noticing it again around teachers where she acted like a 15 year old with her

in my opinion she is definitely childish about sex, although that's up to interpretation. I think it's also inconsistent, because yes one episode she has casual sex and the next she's wearing oven mitts. so in some of the best episodes likes hardening culk she seems much more open about sex, and then there are ones

except, well particularly the mindy project, how they handle sex is so different. Mindy is incredibly open and confident in her sexuality and what she wants. I'm not saying the new girl has to do the same thing (obviously women have different reactions and experiences to sex), but ever since i read this article in

but i think you can compare how successfully one show depicts a so called 'girl fight' over another. For example, why is a girl fight, exactly? why isn't it just a fight?! Why do these girls argue in such a ridiculous way? The fight in parks and rec is also heightened, but it's based on real emotions, not… a purse and

i… don't even know what you're talking about in that last part. And most 'girl fights' don't really take that long to talk out either, so don't really know what your point is there.

I don't think it's a statement about women, it's just starting to grate on me and might be colouring other parts of the show. I particularly find that her attitudes towards sex are crazy for a 30+ woman. She's so squeamish about it, and puts on stupid voices and it's just exhausting. I feel like she was weird about

I think it's been an issue of the last season, but i think until then the show was very conscious of leslie's flaws, which is why ann wasn't shown to really be in the wrong. But come on ann, get leslie's book back!

yes, you are correct. Most people do in fact solve conflicts by beating the shit out of each other. If they are indeed in fight club.

Because i'm currently watching this after i watch new girl and old episodes of parks and rec i'm finding jess to be increasinly immature. I mean, the difference between the way she and leslie handle a work relationship is so telling.
Also, mindy might be a crazy and horrible person, but i'm beginning to find her more

I liked the models fight better as well, except that the models were obviously being so rude to jess that i don't believe cece would just ignore that.

yeah i brought that fight up below. it was so believable and true to how many girls, and drunk people fight. Also it was over a real issue, not accessories. Plus it was hilarious! I thought very little was funny about jess and cece's fight

I couldn't decide if it was a joke or if it was a big bang theory kind of comment that make women look SO DUMB.

yep, women are so CRAZY and emotional that they can't put aside their shit for an hour and focus on someone else for once. Nope, instead they just punch each other instead of talking like normal people. sure, why not? television!

i don't know, maybe i'm being overly sensitive but it all felt vaguely insulting to me. They specifically bring up the fact that jess is a feminist and yet they're arguing about a purse and claim that women have better memories because we used to be gatherers? Their fight is just SO DUMB, and the way they fight is