Philthy Mike

I'm not suggesting these albums because they sound particularly like DJ Shadow, but because they're from roughly the same era and they are also instrumental and incredibly cinematic:

My favorite part of the movie (paraphrasing based on memory here) is when two cops are looking at the mangled corpse of a victim at a crime scene and Cop 1 says "It looks like she was murdered with some type of garden tool, possibly a chainsaw," and Cop 2 replies "Like that one over there?" Quick pan to the blood

By my count, Eli Roth has directed only 5 movies in the 15 or so years since Cabin Fever. This is a guy whose work is worthy of being remade?

"The problem with part of your criticism misses the entire point. Of course the tropes are old and worn- that's the point. They are explaining the tropes and making them seem less preposterous."
I understand that. My point is that CITW doesn't have anything new or interesting to say about those tropes that wasn't

I consider myself a true blue horror fan in that I'm familiar with a huge variety of horror subgenres and foreign films and generally keep up with the genre and try to watch anything that sounds interesting. Maybe at AV club that's normal but I've forgotten more about horror movies than anybody I know in real life

The werewolf girls scene was when I got dooshbumps all over and decided I couldn't risk being caught watching Trick R' Treat at my age, so I turned it off.

Solid list. The only ones I'd really quibble with are Cabin in the Woods (not horror IMO) and 28 Days / Weeks Later (not good). I'm also not nearly as high on Drag Me to Hell as most. I think [REC] and Ju-on: The Grudge absolutely have to be somewhere on this list. I'd make a case for The Innkeepers and You're Next,

I must be the only diehard horror fan on earth who thinks Trick r' Treat absolutely fucking sucked.

Under Color was one of my favorite albums of the past few years so I am pleasantly surprised to say Agent Intellect is even better. It's a little bit less noisy but much catchier and the few studio embellishments really expand on Protomartyr's sound. Going to see them in Philly this weekend, can't wait.

I don't get that sense. The plot and style (CH was half "found footage") seem different enough where GI qualifies as a homage.

Since when does Ti West have an insufferable fanbase? Even among hardcore horror geek communities online I've never seen anyone passionately defend his movies. And I'm a fan, of House of the Devil and Innkeepers at least; the Sacrament was a huge disappointment.

You nailed it. I watched this film (most of it, at least) for the first time last week and spent most of that time rolling my eyes and snorting derisively. The part that really got me was when Dillon came across Newton in a car crash and saves her life, thereby redeeming himself from having molested her earlier in the

I thought this one sucked a lot. It wasn't nearly as funny as the reviews would have you believe, and it's not even a torture scene expanded to feature length. It's a bunch of long talky segments that make a torture scene take up the bulk of the film's 90-minute run time. Really there's very little torture here at

I saw this OnDemand a few weeks back and I can confirm that it is vastly better than the first. The original V/H/S had its moments but I thought it was overlong, the framing device was retarded and the segments were samey. The whole thing also had a layer of misogyny that didn't fit the tone of a horror anthology, for

I haven't seen this in years, but I remember loving a scene when the cast is trying to pull an actress out of a hole / pit in the floor and the killer literally chainsaws her in half so the gory top half goes flopping onto the rest of the cast - just awesome!

1. I'd give this album at least a B+.
2. They sound almost nothing like Joy Division to me. The guitarist does, however, sound a whole lot like Daniel Ash from Bauhaus.
3. I had no idea this band was hyped at all and still don't care.

This album is awesome - musically it reminds me a LOT of David Axelrod, the jazz / funk soundtrack composer. Not the guy who works for Obama.

You'd lose that money.

I watched this OnDemand mostly because my 13-year-old daughter felt like family movie night and it looked appropriate enough for the age (it was). I wouldn't exactly call this a bad movie but it was clichéd and annoying one full of overly precious dialogue. Colfer's nonstop moaning about white people problems like

Like all Chris Nolan movies, Following is overlong, dramatically inert, emotionally dead and needlessly complex. Looks great though and the premise is brilliant. But Nolan always, always puts his precious ideas above things like coherent, engaging storytelling.