Roneesh Vashisht

Hopefully this book will answer the question of who Bellona is, she is as far as I can tell one of our longest running memes.

I just want to congratulate Karatloz for the longest thread ever.

Leonard being a dick
I don't really see the Leonard is a dick argument. There is a character in the show who always makes clear he has a take it or leave it attitude with his friends, even if he might not mean it deep down. That character is of course Sheldon, who time and time again is one of the most callous people

No Showtime
I have yet to see this episode, but it seems really unfortunate they blew all of last season by avoiding the big reveal. Admittedly, her being an addict and cheating on her husband is the main drama of the show, so I guess I understand them not wanting to resolve those now. I really enjoyed the slow build

I don't think there's any good in looking into the flash forward for clues, it didn't seem like that was its point.

This felt like a big wheel spinning episode.

No, she took the antidote, she's dead now.

Actually I think he's spot on with the cinematics comment, a few are nice, but a lot of them, the dialog in them is just characters being meek, making "ummm" and "uhhh" sounds as they try to say something.

SquareEnix really needs to work on making its black characters not be a stereotype. I recently replayed FF7 and seeing the lousy dialog they gave Barret was just sad.

Some nice pluses, big minuses
Certain aspects of this game they got really right. Finally, no more back pedaling to towns (there are none! at least as far as I've gotten) for items, they're all at save points. And, the criticism John that the new battle system is definitely interesting and complex. What he fails to

Ehhhh, not if they BOTH get into ivy leagues.

I agree with both the OP and coriander, FG's jokes require having seen the reference, while on Community, knowing the reference only enhances what is already a great joke.

I think its not quite like the Simpsons, they just have some bit players, but it seems a lot of the bit parts are one-offs. The new girl tonight, I doubt we'll be seeing her again.

While I know he's a great looking fella, I agreed with the characters in the episode in making a negative "ohhhhh" sound when he lifted his leg for the shot. Even though he's ripped, there's some things we don't need to see.

As per usual
I will plan on reading these and participating, and then forget entirely.

If you're ever at a party and the conversation lulls, just talk about Saved By The Bell, everyone has something to say about that show.

Anyone else noticed that Blues in the movies is always great? Whenever I give the Blues a chance in real life is never as haunting or inviting as the tracks they seem to play in movies. This also occurs with Jazz, though to lesser effect.

It's not that she's a weak link, she's just quite different from the other characters, and they do to a small degree point this out. She's the only one with kids and who has had a normal adult life prior to coming to Greendale. Pierce's financial success and many marriages doesn't count as normal.

I like that many people don't like the study group, we have the acrobatic guys (btw, best line in the show's short history, "my life is a gym!"), Vaughn thinks they're evil, Starburns thinks he's a douche and Starburns is in the actual cool group.