Roneesh Vashisht

It sounds like you're acting more as a third technical co-founder than an employee. If you're working as the third person on something, and you're not being paid a full salary (commensurate to what a developer gets in SV), then you need the equity a founder would get. However, it shouldn't be an even split as everyone

It's sad to see them move so far towards pumped up jams. I remember their best song being on one of their original EP's, a wonderful, deceptively plaintive song called "Lightspeed".

Except let's have Henry only occasionally show up as he's now a big time actor on Parks and Recreation and Piranha3D, which is what I always wanted for his character.

I recommend you read the Washington Posts "Top Secret America" story. A lot of this show to me echoes what's in that story, a sort of larger complex of people a bit unsure of themselves but due to the world they think they live in, feel compelled to act. To me their agency is less to symbolize or replicate on real

@Conerned, I kept on assuming they would hint that at some point, but I really feel like she doesn't know. Going back over the dialog she really gives no hint in my opinion, and with Mad Men I'm already closely paying attention to how and what they say because this show has hands down the most loaded dialog of any on

While it definitely seemed like she was typing a resignation, in last weeks sneak peak of next week's episode (whew!) they had the clip of Don asking her what she was doing for new year, sort of discrediting that idea. I wonder if AMC makes those or the show creators, because they're very misleading, and in this case,

Don't you know, Don Draper is just a super-productive wonderful human being who has no time to eat because he's busy being awesome.

Well they didn't put a date on her passing, so she might be around for several episodes or even the whole season. As I recall, she was barely in last season.

I think in the end he felt it was right so that's why he did it. As per Mad Men usual, they love showing how different the world was back then, and I half feel that aspect of the plot line was to illustrate that "hey, in the 60's doctors didn't immediately tell patients they were dying, isn't that crazy?"

The Blowup
I don't think it was planned, it seemed clear to me he decided in that moment to do the WSJ interview.

It only took me 11 years…
but I still got here first.

or whatever, who cares.


Ok, if you want a manic riddler, kind of like the one Jim Carrey played, but actually done well, I think this is perfect, Levitt IS high energy and one of tht best younger actors around to boot.

Seems like there used to be a lot more women on here, but that's probably not true, this place was probably always 98% bro….

I could be convinced to go to Austin for an AVC meeetup, contracting malaria is even a fine enough excuse to go to Austin in my book.

I'm pretty sure all 35 of them are taken.

I've tried my best to fall in love with an AVC'er , but its just not going to happen.

I did noticed Twitter has been quieter lately, has the gradual friending each other on Facebook made us too lazy?

I don't post on here anymore but I'm active on Twitter with the whole group