Roneesh Vashisht

I like that Lutz and Sue are getting a bit more developed as characters, and its a nice touch that Lutz often brings it on himself.

Do you want kids?
Wasn't that the weirdest line of the night? When I first heard it, I thought she asked him if they wanted to kiss, but upon rewinding a few times I settled on her asking if he wanted kids. Let me say, it was weird, but also a nice touch for Britta's character to hint (by the tone of her question)

If the internet can tell us who kick punch is, then it should be able to tell us if Kim Yang means anything.

I actually can't think of any other times she's mentioned New York in the show.

Yeah, I definitely felt it was implied Jeff has some feelings for Annie. I don't think its setting them up for something, just a recognition that Jeff and Annie are attractive, and especially after the debate issue, their might be some lingering attraction between the two.

I think I ended up sounding like I thought Pavement was more going through the motions, when I really intended to say that it seems the audience is more going through the motions. No doubt there are many Pavement diehards my age, but I'd wager there's even more people just getting tickets because its such a renowned

Reunion tours
While I was certainly happy I got to see the Pxies, and I look forward to seeing Pavement, and I am happy they're all getting a big fat payday so they don't have to bartend anymore, it just does feel a bit strange.

"They're eating her, and then they're going to eat me!"

Watch the movie Trucks, it will make everything clear.

Indians on TV
With the Office, Parks and Rec, House, it's nice to see these past several years Indians have really gotten to flex their acting chops and be real people. I demand representation in popular culture.

Every time I see Troll Feat. T-Roll post, I imagine sideshow Mel saying "I would like to know what Troll featuring T-Roll thinks!"

@alurin @Peterme

After BSG
What's the point, I know where this is all going to end up? This show will have to get some killer reviews before I start watching it. But, I do have lots of goodwill for Moore, so hopefully it works out for him and he gets a nice fat paycheck for as long as he wants.

I really liked that bit, and rewinded to watch it several times. The best part is how Jillian Jacobs just brushes that off with a simple facial expression. That was great acting on her part. A lesser show would make that a central plot point, but one of the best things about Community is how they recognize things like

Even though most people agree the Jeff/Britta pairing doesn't completely work, I think a Troy/Annie plot would work even less. The characters are still a bit cartoony compared to Jeff and Britta, so it would not fit to see their more emotional sides. If for the rest of the season it made both of them more rounded

Step 27: Play that really good Unicorns album again.

Either Jim Belushi is really cool, or he's probably somewhat suicidal at this point.

He didn't seem perfect to me, just good enough because he's very observant, which seems perfectly in line with his character.

I really wonder about that too, the only things I can think of are:

I disagree, Jacobs brings a sort of normalcy to the group dynamic. Pierce, Troy, Abed and Annie can be too theatrical and animated at times, and its nice to have Britta there (along with Jeff) to bring them down a bit. I left out Shirley because she plays both sides at times.