Roneesh Vashisht

I liked the clip show, I hadn't seen all the old episodes, so some of the gags were new to me.

I thought it was weird the Jim and Pam segment included clips that played about month ago, and that the segment seemed to focus a bit on their marriage, which I figured was still fresh in everyone's mind.

What about Tim and Eric?

I have to second Keabocro, Lily is definitely the reacher. If Marshall was just a bit more cocky, dare I say more like Barney, the dynamic would shift in a second. He's only the reacher because he's more openly in love with Lily. I reference you to the elaborate scenario he requires to fantasize about another woman.

Maybe because its Charles Barkely, but I had really low expectations and so was surprised the way the episode worked wonderfully. Barkley's episode was a prime example of how the show should handle non-actors they get to host the show. Guide them along, work them into the show's stronger bits (like Scared Straight)

I really hope Riley isn't the new Gilley, but I have a feeling I'll be let down in that regard.

What annoyed me about it was they relied on that usual bit of someone say's something, and the other person acts completely oblivious to it. While I can't cite specific examples without looking it up, I just get a feeling they rely on that too much on this show.

Laser Cats is always a pleasant offering. However, when compared to the really high quality Lonely Island/Rap shorts, they seem to come up short. Also, if the numbering in the sketch was correct and this was the fifth Laser Cats short, it might be time to retire the bit.

Noise rockers in Detroit
There's an annual event called "NOISE CAMP" at the CAID (Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit). Don't let the contemporary or institute moniker fool you, its just sort of a run down house/museum near downtown. The event itself is really fun, full of completely atonal noise and when everyone

he probably knew where Hoffa was buried.

I'm pretty sure the report should read "Jay Reatard, dead for 10 minutes after brawl"

Thanks 7xTroll! I really just meant listening to great music, and did not intend to imply my own personal greatness (though, I am great).

I always see it shortened to Sunny.

It really says something about your show when a 1 minute Simpsons gag has more value and long lasting appeal.

I watched several episodes of Secret Girlfriend, I now have gray hair.

We believe in nothing
with that delivery… best. line. ever.

Pop Punk Apologist
I loved the stuff in high school, I remember listening to Pinkerton, Dashboard Confessional and the Something Corporate albums for hours on end. The new MCS is nice, but unless they push the genre along, I find myself leaving it more and more, though its great to come back to time and again to

Link's Awakening was the shiz. A testament to Link's badassness is that when he was asleep during Ocarina of Time, he dreamed the adventure in Link's Awakening, even when he's sleeping he's adventuring.

I get the whole 12:05 is not the tonight show argument, but I just don't think its really a big deal to do your show 35 minutes later than usual, however, following Jay after he was supposed to retire, and then basically being told you aren't good enough so we need him back, that's sort of a kick in the pants.

I would say go to Fox too, but lately they've been pretty evil.