Roneesh Vashisht

Fast Times at Ridgemont High

I saw the trailer before Sherlock Holmes and I was quite intrigued.

Los Campesinos!
I am so excited about this release and the new Frightened Rabbit album I am going to do something unheard of in this day and age, actually order the CD's.

I can understand why you'd say "ugh", the books many gimmicks are plain to see, but damned if I'm still not a sucker for it.

Ok, I'll read a bit in a bookstore, see what its all about.

This is just my initial impression, but I'm getting a "Bright Lights, Big City" vibe from the few things I've read about the book.

While I don't agree with this thought per se, I do think Blood Meridian was a cut above, and they never really had books with such gravitas since. Maybe after March some more modern cannon stuff? I think the readership here skews towards that stuff anyways.

Also I just picked up a hardcover copy on Amazon for $0.16, total $4.15 with shipping.

I will Participate
I am announcing this now so there's no suspense near the deadline.

Yeah, the Wii does those FPS, "realistic" style graphics at about the PS2/Xbox level, but that was never the intent.

No Thanks.
Dear AVClub, I was this close to purchasing 20 books (in my online cart no less!), but then I wisely relented. Instead I am going with the better option, and spending $450 on the entire Jandek discography. I know you don't blame me.

I always wondered what his exercise/diet regimen is. Since these challenges are about 10,000 calories, I figured maybe he didn't eat for a while before and after. However your post seems to answer these questions, he just rolls with it.

Season 5… in the FUTURE!
I think now is a perfect time for the show to move ahead some years, especially if it wants to somewhat follow the plot of the books and have him teach the kids about his code.

I really think she'll be the voice in Dexter's head next season, she's been too big a part of his life to not have some role like that.

I think I did my fair share of ragging on her, complaining she was more shrew than character, but her death has left me about as stunned as a TV show death can. I didn't realize until they actually killed her how important to the show's balance she was. Next season will be a bit of a miserable slog without her

I'm not worried, but I totally think his voice next season will be Rita, and I hope so, now that she's gone I realize how much I'll miss having her around.

It's just par for the course in this ep that there is a few gaps in logic and things that characters should pursue but don't, i.e. why Dexter was at the crime scene so early.

Two army friends of mine enthusiastically recommended me to watch The Onion's story on the "new" Call of Duty game. Apparently, if it was made, it would be the greatest war simulator ever. On that note, from that story they are convinced there are some Iraq vets on the staff, can anyone corroborate that?

You notice a lot of those jokes are family-guy style wacky premise jokes? The only thing that's missing is the cut-away scene to see them acted out.

I think its not in decline but sort of perma-coast that looks like it could become a ful-fledge coma soon. This same thing if you'll noticed happened with the Simpsons, both shows got so popular they realized they could get almost anyone to guest on it. So now they don't have to be inventive, just have Julianne Moore