Roneesh Vashisht

having worked four years in an engineering library I can say that the topic of how well the female employees knew their way around one never once came up.

Yes, she's hot, but her character is too sweet and well intentioned for me to view her from a predominantly sexual point of view.

@Riff, I often hear people talk about the all-time great Sunny ep's, and people list off a few, but honestly I've never had one totally stand out for me. However, the show is incredible, so that mans all of them are excellent, but never had one completely take the show to a new level.

Yeah, in real life I bet he would be a great lawyer.

That show's run is either proof there's no way God exists, or incontrovertible proof God does, I can't decide. I suppose you could take it either way, the in betweens is where its really scary.

Except Dexter is a serial killer blood spatter analyst, not some random dude plucked from obscurity to fight crime as most heroes are. Notice how Batman can be just as interesting as the villians he's put up against?

Pessimism unwarranted
It really is.

Kyle Ryan
or whatever his fake name was, that just felt kind of forced. The best thing about this arc though is John Lithgow gettin' scary as hell, funny alien he is not. Also, who cares if he keeps giving him murder weapons? Dexter saw him kill someone and knows he's killed many more, its not like murder weapons

I'm content to spend my waning days with you all here. Those sequel threads are probably some of the funniest things I read on the internet.

I can see how a wound up person like her would be unpopular, but, I would not believe that she still didn't have a fair amount of admirers.

I gotta get into this professoring racket.

Yeah, I agree, Jeff's speeches are great. I also love how he mostly starts off BS'ing, but ends up always saying some truthful thing.

Yeah, for a second I thought she was the teacher on Mad Men, but she looked a bit older than the teacher. Both equally attractive though.

I HATE commercials that just lump people into stereotypical groups, lexicondevil is right, I've always done my own laundry, lots of guys do their own laundry. Its just like how beer commercials assume all guys go ape-crazy over whatever lousy brew they make.

They kill the interesting ones, Lila, Prado, Lundy, and they keep the boring ones. Again I say, Masouka's life can not be long on this show.

Remember also, she thought Dexter had a Heroin problem that he was concealing from her, so its not like this is the first time he's done anything strange.

The mark of a great show
In any other show, the teacher would've walked in at some point when Betty was confronting Don. There was even the perfect moment, when the camera panned away while they were both on the bed, and she could've strode up the stairs, or called his name from the door.

Yeah it was interesting how he dropped his cigarette

The pic at the top.

The pic at the top.