Roneesh Vashisht

Tonights Simpsons Episode
I tuned into this one only, fully expecting to be let down, but it definitely surprised me.

This is an amazing book.
The ending of the book is definitely not its weak point, rather what we find out is all but required by the text. The few scant but noticeable clues along the way provide just the right level of interest without detracting from the current action of the novel.

I'm sure the Cleveland show will pick up and become decent like American Dad and Family Guy are, I give Seth McFarlane that credit, even though this premier episode had only 1 laugh (the repeat of the bathtub gag). However, I must now formally stop watching this block of progamming,

Her newest is a very solid album, I view it as her giving a touch of class to New Moon.

Once again, ZMF proves he's the modern day oracle.

Nah, Gucci Mane just thinks about iced out chains a lot more than you do.

I read, write, AND do charity work, volunteer teacher, two nights a week!

I took it as Don saying to pick your battles, not that pens and papers matter more. I think he was also attempting to have her recognize her situation and maybe think of more subtle ways to assert herself as a woman? From that scene, I gleaned that while Don seems pretty progressive for his time, he's still a bit

I think the show is pretty high quality. The amount of sheer jokes, actual jokes on the show is incredible. In this day and age where "The Office" style, slice of life/awkward humor is king, its great to see a show try and just write a funny line. A funny line that pertains to the plot, and doesn't involve a cut away

just a guess, I think they're staggering it so they have something to show at the end of the season, rather than all of them going out in one night, and a precipitous ratings drop the following week.

Good God
I thought all this golden age of television talk was a bit much, but after checking out Weeds, Californication, Dexter, (I just got Showtime) Mad Men and all that good stuff , and now seeing this incredibly good fall schedule, there's just no other way to put it. Oh, and yes, we officially weren't in golden

Doubt it.

The episodes always seem short to me.

1. Shit Bag House
2. College
3. Matchmakers
4. Pulling your Weight // Biderman's Birthday // Frogbox
7. Greg the Intern

I felt
It just kind of built to nothing. I would have liked some hint of if Jackie's husband knew anything or not. I don't think they made it suspenseful enough for me to really care come 2010 when it comes back on.

I like how the slogan seems to take place in real time.

Hatin' on Hatin' on Hatin' on…
This isn't really dumb. They have tons of scrap fabric around and people use that stuff for whatever arts and crafts they make, I reference you to the magazine Craft, http://craftzine.com (I read its awesome sister publication Make, http://makezine.com). And its pretty cheap, so you

In "obscure Midnight Offerings" I include all the school's ever featured in an Outer Limits episode.

Yes, I believe I will start by eating your shorts…

Yes, in the Law and Order world college is very deadly for semi-cute affluent college age people.