Roneesh Vashisht

I can't say I buy your theory. Dialogue in this show always seems loaded and contextual. In this case I don't think it flows with the rest of the show. Plausible, but I don't think so.

I am consistently shocked at the dumb ideas ad men had back in the day. However, I doubt the "Zoom Zoom" campaign will age as gracefully as conventional thinking suggests.

Miskatonic U
Admit, we all would love a chance to study at that fine university. In addition studying with the elite, there's a chance you'll find a portal into an alternate dimension whereupon your soul will be destroyed upon gazing at goat creature of impossible size and terror.

@Maesoune, yeah, sometimes stuff comes out labored and I decide not to waste any time paring down words and just post. I always think of that Borges line when people huck a Disney movie on me so I mentioned it. If reading a bad internet post is the worst thing to happen to you today, consider yourself lucky.

This is a a great show, they keep putting out quality mean-spirited humor.

I read the book when I was around 12 during a long car ride and didn't care for it. I think it was a book I came to too early.

Disney Movies
My parents did not desire to needlessly subject me to anything animated. On my own I sought out a few animated films (yup, Winnie the Pooh and Heathcliff the Cat, no clues why), but otherwise remained wholly indifferent to them.

Really, and the guy who cried for no reason is better to watch? Gotta disagree with you on this one.

Gotta disagree, at least she finished a damn outfit. And I would actually tune in to see what she made next. Show lost one of its more interesting members off the bat, not fun.

"European Apple Stores are Craazzyyy"

After the initial 40 and 60 gig releases, the PS3's stopped being backwards compatible. They took out the emotion engine to save cost starting with the 80-gig.

@regular guy,

I agree with ZMF, bring back the emotion engine!

@gobias, that sentiment could be argued if you replaced Blue Album with Pinkerton.

Make Believe was horribly maligned, and it was a very solid album, I didn't even give the Red on spin, Weezer needs to learn to name songs (Pork and Beans?? No thanks).

One of the best of the year
Hands down one of the best of the year. You can't go wrong with this album.

The Official funny caption that picture thread
"Janeway was the best captain, are you f'ing kidding me?"

Yo Starbuck, where the re-up at?

I'll never understand, or want to, why people find accents so funny. I have no problem laughing at our differences, but an accent is such a gimmie that it feels insulting for a comedian to say "laugh at this, this is funny"

Tom, you got Family Guy exactly right, but let me simplify it for you.