Roneesh Vashisht

Very Skeptical
This just does not seem like a good idea. As Nathan said, with Mamet it has promise, but why retell a story we all know by heart at this point? I can't imagine Mamet saying anything new about this story, nor does this seem to be a story people want new things said about it.

Yeah, Rose is kind of a weak point in the show, but if Ted has to have a kid/life out of work, then she's better than just a cloying super sweet non-character type daughter.

I think this is becoming one of the one best shows on TV, the quality of the one-liners is top notch.

a triumphant firstie, a firstie of its own kind!

He's right, you just have to be faux-nerdy and telegenic.

Ancient Firstie
Does this count?

MBS, I'm with you on all of that except one point, I feel the book never does paint a clear picture of Eddie Murphy. I'm totally unfamiliar with any of the Ebersol years or why Eddie Murphy is unhappy about his time there, and the book doesn't do a good job of explaining that stuff. In that sense the interviews format

@Our tongues, I agree with you on Tim and Eric, they always have great starts, but then decide to just make it totally weird by playing some sound over and over, or having some ugly animation show up. When they're just riffing on stuff, or doing a satirical sketch, its some of the best stuff on TV. I reference you to

gotta wholeheartedly disagree, that movie was terrible. The opening sketch particularly stands out in my memory as being just lousy. Paul Rudd seemed very bland, and making Paul Rudd seem more bland than usual is something.

Greg Giraldo
He is amazing as Harry Bronstein on the IFC show Z Rock.

I choose…

Worthless comment of the week
What does a dead Julia Child say?

I'm really liking the show, so I too fear its cancellation. I gotta agree with you Sybil, I don't think he even called his wife.

truly terrible movie

I'm really excited to see it.

I saw (500) Days, it sets up unhealthy relationship expectations (rooftop parties!?!?!)

I tried to dorky crush on her (you know, for cred) but I just can't, I really don't find her attractive. However, she is quite talented, so I'll be seeing this movie.

read her myspace blog, you'll see that she still hasn't really found success, she has lots of anecdotes about how hard her life is still.

Mutual Appreciation on Netflix
FYI, you can instant view Mutual Appreciation on Netflix.

To be fair, that was the review of 99.99% of all people who saw it.