Roneesh Vashisht

Well I unabashedly love our prolific commentators, maybe because I'm close to being one?

The only possibl upgrade
is to bring Ebert back, but he's already getting a show again, so who cares!

Ahhh, my bad dude, I just meant it in a goofyl way! Damn text and its inability to emote!

I call name dropping Tom (in as much as you can with Bujalski), we wouldn't have known about the conflict of interest.

I in fact don't want any of my FB friends to know that "I agree too" which as we know, is 85% of what I add to the conversations on here.

yeah, they totally do.

Warped tour is cool if you're 13 - 16 years old, after that it gets less cool until you age out at 19.

The first time I heard it, I thought it was someone in real life too.

Better question, when will a girl who goes to art school date me?

I saw them live 2 weeks ago, they put on a very solid show, Kim crowd surfs. I dance very poorly, good time is had by all.

Dr. in Pepper.

Vampire on Titus
Vampire on Titus, awesome album.

I think to say the soul of the show is their fighting is a bit off. I realize its called M&M Have Issues, so the fighting is a main part, but I think it works equally well when they get along.

Hopefully as time passes, it slowly seep into the whole world's consciousness that a theocracy is never a good idea.

2 thoughts
1. Love the dispensary plot line
2. I now see why Celia is the villain.

John Cho as otacon?

Recipe for Succcess
Ryan Reynolds as Simon.

you can also explore 110% of a draculas castle! that doesn't make physical sense!

I agree with my Italian kinsman.

At least with Uew Boll there's none of the tension, you know it will suck and get ready to at least enjoy it by making fun of it.