Roneesh Vashisht

Having seen some previews, but not the film, I am inclined to say no. I think in using the MPDG term, we should avoid lumping in any quirk rom-com heroine into the fold. The charm for me, or annoyance to you maybe, of the MPDG is that the character is quite specifically defined by certain rules. Mid-20's, loves a

just started watching
I started watching the show this season. I haven't seen any old episode and have just an inkling of what they're about. That being said, with fresh eyes I find the show consistently funny. I get a real sense of a family on the verge of collapse, but they manage to keep it humorous. The one thing

It was a gimmie gag that he tried to hit on her, but it was still pretty funny.

I hope they don't drop the Veronica's dad story, it was the highlight of the show watching them interact.

I like how you've moved past denial into acceptance, too bad we missed your bargaining phase.

that show makes me glad Hollywood's new best idea is remake everything.

They got divorced, she's all yours Jorge!

She should fight crime with Mindy Kaling, and Aziz Ansari is their tech geek backup.

You're not getting old, you're getting vintage.

In the grand scheme of firsties, not so bad.

It looks smart and funny…
so it will probably be canceled.

I'm convinced they have weekly meetings espousing "Synergy" among Onion brands.

You know what, Imperious is fine actually…


weird sound
I don't remember the movie too well. But the sort of climax near the end (we've just entered pun city) where all the stuff goes down, really stands out in my mind as great film making. As I recall it, involves roller girl beating up the guy she knew from school and Don Cheadle in a donut store that gets

This isn't Roadhouse Louis.

How are they going to manage that MacGruber always gets blown up?

No goofs, he's ragging on an error in the article!

I don't think people will yell MacGruber.

*enters as Nathan's on stage singing his heart out*