Roneesh Vashisht

Ah, my bad, though I still think the essential question is valid of why Archie gets coverage, I ask it in good faith for the record, not from a critical perspective.

I'll never
I don't mind it, but I don't get why this is the only website where Archie merits coverage. There must be any number of other things going on in pop culture land, but Archie gets on the newswire.

The Twilight Sad is one of my favorite bands, a very well produced, intense record, but a blisteringly loud live sound, a great combination. I caught them in Ann Arbor right after their first album came out, it was one of the best shows I've ever been to, maybe 20 people tops were there.

I honestly can't foresee anyone paying $35 for Knowing, yet, I know it will happen.

We will NEVER see the end of those. Those movies are the closest thing Hollywood has to a consistently reliable revenue stream. They all cost anywhere from 5 - 15 million to make, and all bring in at least 20 million. These films will be made long after we're all dead.

I'm pretty fine.

The old saying is true, celebrities die in tranches.

My dad went through a Big Lots phase for a few weeks. We have so. much. luggage now.

the hot dog competition coverage is enthralling.

For some reason Indians really go for chemical named foods. Whenever I visit I always have some Glucon-D, no, it actually tastes far better than it sounds.

I see Coke Vanilla at my Wal-Mart. However I don't see diet Vanilla Coke, which means I should just man up and drink regular.

Jones is the freaking best.

for some reason lots of people find the idea of eating or drinking Mississippi mud enticing. I'm just curious how this came to be instead of say, "Jersey shore sand". I'll admit though, if you find the beer with that name (its sold in a jug shaped bottle) then get some.

Hint: It's not really food
I'm no Julia Child, but here's a handy tip for the discerning gourmand in all of us.


Aw no way Riff, lemon does not belong in coke or chips. Especially chips. Especially coke. Now cherry, a whole different and tastier ball game.

I do agree, the opening of the Great Gastby is one of the finer things this country has ever produced.


next time I get into an argument, I'm going to claim they've "inbreded" their idea

That's a perfectly cromulent sentiment.