Roneesh Vashisht

A lot of Belle and Sebastian is about fulfilling the fantasies of certain male dispositions.

as I recall Tigermilk and Boy With The Arab Strap is required for getting degreed at some Midwestern Universities.

I suggest we somehow combine those Tacos into some sort of mega food I call a "10,000 calorie blaster"

Yeah, but you forget Chang swims double what Michael Phelps does every day.

Yeah, the check, and "Girl's petite" is better than "Tent or Awning"


Whoa, I have the same shirt the girl in the background has on (Genevieve?)
That shirt was not only featured in an issue of GQ (uh, some actor was wearing it) but I have seen it worn on TV by the likes of Ellen DeGeneres and a Jonas brother. So… it might not be a good thing I own one… Why did I post this? Because

Mega Chang vs. Giant Toblerone
or as I call it, the Godzilla film that should have been.

That is one clever avatar pic phodreaw

Having read and loved the Dead, I fully intend to watch the film as soon as possible.

The Bernie Mac Show had inspired moments, but beyond that I never found him to be all great.

Zero, haven't seen a single one of these, not even the Onion movie. I actually can't bring myself to watch the Onion movie…

Just Saw It
Already forgetting about it…… D+

On PBS I saw a Hold Steady concert (a great reason to support public radio and television) and now I can not wait to finally see them live.

@Tom, I've never even heard of DOOM, some name MF DOOM comes to mind, is this the same one? Regardless I'll be sure to check him out soon. Going from Bnr76's statement I assume its a rap album, so I'll give it a go. Is it a politicized album like The Ecstatic?

Meant to go to the show! Fool I am. Would've been worth it just to hear "The Strangers" live.

Veckatimest is too mellow for me, I think Phoenix spoiled me with its rising swells of music and cathartic moments in almost every song. The high points of "Rome" and "Armistice" make sitting still impossible.

Middle Cyclone is a great album, much better than Fox Confessor.

there's more than enough mentioning to go around.

A good one, I wonder what they'll do post-hype though?