Roneesh Vashisht

I don't really get the fuss about the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. The singles of this new album aren't that good, and the album only has a few decent tracks.

The Embassy
The following artists albums are great:

I could never get into Bag of Bones, it was the one King I didn't finish.

A. Trenchant Insight
B. Bon Mot
C. Tell Me More

Tuxedo, at first I only found certain songs on the album good and listened to them primarily, but as time passed I focused on other songs. Right now I skip over 1901 and listen to Armistice instead, whereas a few weeks ago I just play 1901 and Lisztomania. I think in time you might find all the songs winners.

I'd say Sufjan Stevens and Joanna Newsom make longer-ish, epic-y songs, but neither totally fit that description. To find that stuff I think you gotta look to prog-rock or hardcore, genres I'm not too familiar with.

Felt Awkward
I liked the shows, its just that they felt a bit awkward, like Colbert didn't quite know what to do and what not to do. Also, I think anytime you do something "for the troops" it runs the risk of going from well intentioned to a bit condescending. Yes, they're fighting, but they're also adults. I felt at

I read the first Zuckerman trilogy and felt I had pretty much gotten to the essence of Roth, I intend to read American Pastoral soon, but after that I'm done for the time being. I'm curious what any serious Roth readers would say to that?

Leonard, awesome interview. It's this type of insightful choice of interviewee which makes the AVClub so nice to read. You asked great questions about the book, but also fun stuff like ranking newer books (though he basically stuck to his four greats). Now start working on getting Pynchon to talk

Sadly these clever threads are ephemeral!

I think I'm textbook ambivalent about this fatty. I still think he says relevant things, things that need to be said, but he says it like a big fatty in light blue jeans and sneakers that make his bottom half look like reconstituted puke. The way he wrings his hands in his hat as he solemnly looks down while

Being a Flint refugee, as we call ourselves who attend school there, I can say its better from when Roger & Me was filmed.

No, its just Gary Busey

Fun FICTIONAL worlds!!!!

There There Miller, There There

Let's see, get clubbed to death by an orc, or use a wand to cast cool spells. As literature, its no competition what's better, as a place to live…. gotta give it to Harry Potter's England. Plus, when you're bored with that crap, just go back to the real world.

*error* *error* sentiment overload!!

Roughing it?
Was this guy on the glove or the upper peninsula of MI? I've spent a a decent amount of time at a cabin in western Michigan on the shore of lake Michigan (middle of glove)and its hardly roughing it. The small town I was in had two upscale liquor stores at one point. Yes, you gotta drive a bit to get to

the whole time while reading it, I saw him as a pale bald Will Sasso.

Was it just me, or were the scenes where the Glanton gang goes into town heroes and then leaves quietly pretty funny. As I recall that happened twice, and I just thought he was going for a bit of humor there.