Roneesh Vashisht

I think the nature descriptions steal the show, as I said earlier, I think its due to utility, he had to get creative or say "they walked past blah blah" many times.

I did kind of realize towards the end that part of the reason the vocabulary is so high and evocative is that he would otherwise be forced to say "they rode across the desert, they saw x y and z" 12,000 times.

when you recreate Frank, uhh you know, post pics of whatever your hats say.

Oh Wikipedia, you truly have no standards.

I wish a real eagle and shark had it out in the film.

Nintendo botched the online setup for the new SSB. Hopefully they'll realize next time I don't live in the same neighborhood as all my friends, since I'm not 13 anymore, and add a voice chat to the game so its manageable. Had they included a simple voice chat, my copy probably wouldn't have become the $50 dust

Simpson V. Bush meets and far exceeds the requirements of being ridiculous and entertaining.

You all made Charitable Man's year by letting him do this. Also I think the Riff deconstruction metaphor of a marching band is very obtuse.

My 832 squelches Frito's weak 738, its almost like he got here a week after me.

Damn you insightful idiot! Why don't you register like a real man!

Worst. Movie. Ever.
Upon hearing about this drivel I was curious about it. I thought one day I'd see it and maybe see what acting chops Adam Sandler really had. He has none. I've seen some posts here that mention the movie is half good, its not. It's all bad, all lame, all sad, all annoying.

The courtroom scenes and plot are the worst. Absolute worst. Worst movie I've ever seen at 2am on cable, and that's saying a lot.

This movie makes me not like The Who.

Agree on the inspiration, if an Oberlin grad can make good in LA, I can!

For Angela I will sing any and all things forever.

ah nuts, "A mad black woman"

With that stern refutation of Tyler Perry, along with that avatar pic, we now can conclusively say you're not mad black woman.

I'm with ya Riff, Andy deserves love! I hope him and Kelly hit it off, though the writers kind of dropped that intriguing plot to make him like the new receptionist.

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The majority of the Where's Waldo experience involves not actually seeing Waldo, ergo the movie should have very little of the Waldo character in it. Basically, after every 15 minutes of searching they should see the character for about 20 seconds and then he dissapears/is abducted again.

Those must've been some reaaallyy sour kids.