Roneesh Vashisht

PB&J with nacho cheese Doritos and a nice cold coke, possibly the greatest meal a person could have.

A big bag of Reeses and a jumbo drink at a movie theater is a great way to feel like an unhappy fatty.


No Vladmir, its always been because of how closed off you are, just tell them how you feel COWARD!

No one tell him there's two more after this one, ok.

July? July?? Sounds fake.

and you all just wait for MY book "Roneesh, I hardly knew me."

New Feature: Death Fight to get in the book
Some commentators here deserve to be in the book given their daily devotion to this website (no, I don't…). But which ones? To settle this I propose a new feature called "Weekly fight to the death" because I want to see who comes out on top in a Phel-MBS-ZMF-Riff fight to

you know, the Soviet Union/Russia jokes STILL make me smile after all these years (or, the 7 months or so I've posted on here).

agreed, the comments make this site!

Genuinely snark free
Judging from the comments so far there isn't a single cartoon that someone on the internet won't have found weird or scary.

in small town Texas, for people of a certain age Wishbone was a bit of a religion, required viewing almost. I must profess to liking the concept, but hating the dog's voice.

normally I never watch these movies, but I recently saw Ratatouille on Satellite and it sort of converted, I'll try and go see Up, but yeah, will definitely avoid going with 20 something dudes.

Livin' the dream
and to think, you in some way got paid to post this

Livin' the dream
and to think, you in some way got paid to post this

International readership
When I occasionally visit the family back in India, we all read Archie comics on train journeys or long car rides. Archie comics are quite popular and most kids know all the characters. I think international readership is a big reason Archie is still around

he's not a nerd in real life so it loses its coolness

Why do franchises need reboots all the time! It's sick I tell you. Let's just for once, continue on with a story, are we doomed to never finish things, must we always re-tell and begin again…?

Midnight calls from Kubrick
I'm aware that in 1980, he might not have been as big a deal as he is now (but still a big deal I think), but who would be annoyed at him calling you to discuss the philosophical parts of your work? It's official Stephen King blew it.

Kelley's was definitely the best, bk's being a close second.