
This was a very nice episode, much thanks to the fun being had with the undercover characters.
Unlike last week's I could way easier look passed the 'no attention for seasonal arc' point because of that.

The Morrigan! The moment he mentioned this agent friend I should have seen that coming. I feel dumb.

The Morrigan! The moment he mentioned this agent friend I should have seen that coming. I feel dumb.

"If Hale had really been put into a position to use his powers to "make things right," then that might compromise him in the eyes of the audience - or, heaven forbid, put him in the position of being a guy who does the wrong thing for the right reasons."

"If Hale had really been put into a position to use his powers to "make things right," then that might compromise him in the eyes of the audience - or, heaven forbid, put him in the position of being a guy who does the wrong thing for the right reasons."

@avclub-e5743fdb8f6fdeb20b328de71a8ebe43:disqus  Definitely, though they'll prob end up having him pick up on some more 'weird things'* before she does come clean to him, making the whole 'is she crazy?!'-talk seem slightly less crazy.

@avclub-e5743fdb8f6fdeb20b328de71a8ebe43:disqus  Definitely, though they'll prob end up having him pick up on some more 'weird things'* before she does come clean to him, making the whole 'is she crazy?!'-talk seem slightly less crazy.

I really liked the cleverness of the SC nomination move from a plot perspective.
That the to-be-replaced justice turned out to be a woman and a lesbian was a little groan-worthy for me (yeah, yeah. I get it. Elaine's so progressive.), but the actress portraying her sold the role very well.

I really liked the cleverness of the SC nomination move from a plot perspective.
That the to-be-replaced justice turned out to be a woman and a lesbian was a little groan-worthy for me (yeah, yeah. I get it. Elaine's so progressive.), but the actress portraying her sold the role very well.

@avclub-922bef8cb435badb8dbc882b084ac5bc:disqus  Thank you! I was wondering about just that last week.

@avclub-922bef8cb435badb8dbc882b084ac5bc:disqus  Thank you! I was wondering about just that last week.

Yeah, that info-demand bit came across weird to me too, for exactly the same reason.

Yeah, that info-demand bit came across weird to me too, for exactly the same reason.

Corinthians 5:5
throw this man out and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved on the day the Lord returns.

Corinthians 5:5
throw this man out and hand him over to Satan so that his sinful nature will be destroyed and he himself will be saved on the day the Lord returns.

So susceptible to non-native minerals falling out of the sky at random?

So susceptible to non-native minerals falling out of the sky at random?

I dislike seeing "Significant Other / S.O."

I dislike seeing "Significant Other / S.O."

*hands @avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus a Like*