
*hands @avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus a Like*

Despite my soso enthusiasm for the show, expressed up above, I remain an interested viewer though, and will sit it out through to the season finale. (i'm still confused btw whether this is supposed to be a one-off series, simply prompted by election time, or if they're wanting/hoping to turn it into a multiple-seasons

Despite my soso enthusiasm for the show, expressed up above, I remain an interested viewer though, and will sit it out through to the season finale. (i'm still confused btw whether this is supposed to be a one-off series, simply prompted by election time, or if they're wanting/hoping to turn it into a multiple-seasons

It did indeed seem better than the first episode for me too. For one important factor Bud felt just a welcome few degrees less of a caricature.

It did indeed seem better than the first episode for me too. For one important factor Bud felt just a welcome few degrees less of a caricature.

I thought the implication there was that they both got a massive rush from succesfully wrapping up these 'incredibly tense & high stakes' negotiations, and took that rush out in their own respective ways.

I thought the implication there was that they both got a massive rush from succesfully wrapping up these 'incredibly tense & high stakes' negotiations, and took that rush out in their own respective ways.

That'd be neat, if just to help the US picture how Michele Bachmann views 'middle-eastern types', without the aid of hallucinogenic drugs.

That'd be neat, if just to help the US picture how Michele Bachmann views 'middle-eastern types', without the aid of hallucinogenic drugs.

'nother also, True Blood spoiler?

'nother also, True Blood spoiler?

This episode was decent, but I kept feeling I was watching a low-budget Inception rip-off, once they all ended up inside the 'lamp'. Which btw felt very confusing to me, them suddenly all being in there and right away moving on, rather than them brake-stopping for a moment and going all 'what just happened, where the

This episode was decent, but I kept feeling I was watching a low-budget Inception rip-off, once they all ended up inside the 'lamp'. Which btw felt very confusing to me, them suddenly all being in there and right away moving on, rather than them brake-stopping for a moment and going all 'what just happened, where the

Genetics ain't cutting it? :-p

Genetics ain't cutting it? :-p

Loved how they portrayed the vision itself. So simple (and no doubt cheap) on paper, but coming across very effectively. The Garuda looks like it's gonna be a neat foe, or at the least has the potential to be (*blows air-kiss to @Manu *), so that's nice too.

Loved how they portrayed the vision itself. So simple (and no doubt cheap) on paper, but coming across very effectively. The Garuda looks like it's gonna be a neat foe, or at the least has the potential to be (*blows air-kiss to @Manu *), so that's nice too.

Not to mention we they have computers & tech skills thanks to which we they can watch these shows whenever we they want.

Not to mention we they have computers & tech skills thanks to which we they can watch these shows whenever we they want.

I fully expected the shape-shifter to leave Bo tied up (or whatever) in the hotel room to go wreck havoc during the vision procedure while pretending to be her. What they did instead was much more exciting. (I'm talking of course about the remainder of the episode, not the foot job-application.)