
I fully expected the shape-shifter to leave Bo tied up (or whatever) in the hotel room to go wreck havoc during the vision procedure while pretending to be her. What they did instead was much more exciting. (I'm talking of course about the remainder of the episode, not the foot job-application.)

I quite liked the interactions this episode, and especially the Branch-background getting coloured in. And I ain't seeing this 'meth' thing with Longmire's potential love-interest. She's kinda silly-sweet.

I quite liked the interactions this episode, and especially the Branch-background getting coloured in. And I ain't seeing this 'meth' thing with Longmire's potential love-interest. She's kinda silly-sweet.

When Vic name-dropped Branch I actually thought she was getting back at Branch for his just-before (pressumed election-motivated move) of questioning her about drunk Longmire.
As in, we've seen her already get a clue about Branch&Longmire-daughter back whenever with the coffee. So I thought she was was surreptitiously

When Vic name-dropped Branch I actually thought she was getting back at Branch for his just-before (pressumed election-motivated move) of questioning her about drunk Longmire.
As in, we've seen her already get a clue about Branch&Longmire-daughter back whenever with the coffee. So I thought she was was surreptitiously

This gimmick would fit perfectly in a Girls discussion-thread.

This gimmick would fit perfectly in a Girls discussion-thread.

With him -and- 'angela petrelli'+husbandguy there the show had plenty of recognizable guest-star faces on offer anyway to sufficiently divert this 'recognizable guest-star must be the killer'-trope mentioned in the stray observations. (though I get that on the other hand the killer-actor was the only one without a

With him -and- 'angela petrelli'+husbandguy there the show had plenty of recognizable guest-star faces on offer anyway to sufficiently divert this 'recognizable guest-star must be the killer'-trope mentioned in the stray observations. (though I get that on the other hand the killer-actor was the only one without a

I'm very tolerant too when it comes to tv-fare. You have me slightly worried now. :-p

I'm very tolerant too when it comes to tv-fare. You have me slightly worried now. :-p

But it's staring me right in the face! I don't have a hitman sta dfkljbmdgklzhzhdbmmvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

But it's staring me right in the face! I don't have a hitman sta dfkljbmdgklzhzhdbmmvbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

More importantly, does this translate as a 'yes' or 'no' on them ever finding that copy-editor? I need to know who to mock for this, dammit!

More importantly, does this translate as a 'yes' or 'no' on them ever finding that copy-editor? I need to know who to mock for this, dammit!

Ooh, that is a good one. And since it'll obviously turn out to be an artifact of some kind rather than a kitsch piece of jewelry, it makes me then think The Morrigan might well have far deeper ulterior motives not just with getting Bo this item, but previously the magic nail clue too. Basically indirectly stirring up

Ooh, that is a good one. And since it'll obviously turn out to be an artifact of some kind rather than a kitsch piece of jewelry, it makes me then think The Morrigan might well have far deeper ulterior motives not just with getting Bo this item, but previously the magic nail clue too. Basically indirectly stirring up

So with the armband my first thought was that it was coming from her mom Aife, her starting another little powerplay mayhaps.
But then I figured that delivery boy, suave as he may be, wasn't -that- spectacularly handsome, like you'd expect Aife's retainers to be; rather more near-creepy and kinda too 'self-minded'

So with the armband my first thought was that it was coming from her mom Aife, her starting another little powerplay mayhaps.
But then I figured that delivery boy, suave as he may be, wasn't -that- spectacularly handsome, like you'd expect Aife's retainers to be; rather more near-creepy and kinda too 'self-minded'

In my mind Kenzi's gift was the whole party itself already. (I'm kinda assuming anyway that Bo hasn't had much if any birthday parties since she went on the run, let alone one surrounded by friends who know and accept her true self. So in this particular case it can count as quite a 'personal gift' of sorts, rather