
I'm definitely buying Alexander currently being 'into god', but I'm expecting that once the poison-attempt happens to him, he'll somehow undergo it as a re-awakening of sorts. Kinda doubt he'll take it as yet another sign from god to change his act and become even more virtuous as a result.

As long as we keep it local I am all for this campaign!

"Adalind's species (Hexenbiest), the Ogre." - yeah, those types I meant with the 'half-fantasycreatures' bit. Might have written that down a bit confusing, with the half-x/half-y. :-)

Yeah, with that professional background of hers they can still make her useful to the gang eventually. I'd have a hard time believing the writers just randomly, coincidentally, gave that characteristic to her; seeing as how most these Wesen are half-animal.

Translation Time Again:

Definitely one of my faves of the season. Great to see Monroe so emersed in the storyline, rather than coming in for a short side-thread. Anything that pushes Nick farther into a corner with regards to Juliette and/or Hank catching on to 'the weird stuff' is welcomed by me, even if that final talk between Nick &

The wurst/sausage line was great, since I caught on during the german part already; so I was already grinning thinking 'Ooh, Grimm/Monroe, you silly bugger' as he went into explaining it.

"He stripped off his skin and tossed it into the fire and he was in human form again."
review: The epigraph comes from “The Little Donkey,”

If I learned anything from grandiose public statements you're either Hitler, republican, or both.

FemChem / The Trouble with Dribbles / Dreams and Creams /
OBstructions in GYNetics / Just Poking Around / One Big Girl /
Mindy Kaling has a Girl Problem / Eggs on Fire / Lips Don't Lie /
Legs Wide Open, Nose Wide Shut / Lady Doc, Looking to Rock /
Looking At Women, Looking For Men / Taking a Swab at Pop Culture /

Hm, now that you mention it, I don't recall if it was ever spelled out that he -personally- 'procured' Henry, as opposed to someone doing it for him.
But, I will point out he says he's "planning a trip" in this episode. So I'd assume that yes, he can indeed leave town at will.

I remember reading about that concept once in a newspaper, just in a very different context!

Ah, right right! I should have known better you meant that!

Anyway, for a OUAT episode (it's all in the caveat), this was pretty alright. Actual, meaningful, progress, a previously enjoyed guest-star back again, annoying kid out cold (best bit!), decent fairytale events, a costume dept making good use of their scissors.

Most idiotic moment for me was the very last shot, Henry flat out on the floor, camera looking up alongside him to faded Emma standing upright in the background calling out "Henry? Henry? Henry!"
Rather than lurching for him and shit. It just felt like it lasted far too long, her just standing there like a bored statue.

So all this time I've been thinking "Hey, that was a pretty neat magical end for that character's story", I should instead have been thinking "Well that's just shoddy police-work… again." ? Damn you, show!

@The Smegmatrix:
I like the Mad Hatter! His was one of the more compelling 'realworld'-side stories for me, his fairytale not half bad either. Admittedly that might also have something to do with me liking the actor & his character a lot on the show Kings.
Seeing him again in this episode was a welcome surprise. Though

argh, i hated that selfrighteous speech of her. throttle hands.

He wants his son. He assumingly knows/found out his son landed in this specific world, and so he set-up Regina's curse to land all of them there too, so that he can spend his time searching for Bale. That's probably also how he came by Henry in the first place, making housecalls at fosterhomes.

It is actually a triple whammy: there's a reference to my homeland's folkloristic image; a reference to a (far from absolute worst) The Smiths song (which got hattipped by B&S); and umm.. *cough* also a wordplay on some stuff that's both deviant & illogical.