
Nah, I liked it too. You're not alone there.

Oh wow, there's actually someone on this site more obviously dutch than me.

…who else read that wrong?

TheBoyWithTheFingerInHisDyke Done Wrong Again. :-(

Thorougly entertaining and clever, with a great cast. You'll barely notice the time an episode takes, it flies by in enjoyment.

Sgt. Sally Donovan: Get off my crime-scene, freak!

Another hint at the Cinderella tale, in the stepmother's office there was a poster of, I think, a glass slipper. Something commercial it seemed, leaving me with the impression that perhaps she'd made her fortune through footwear?

It's on my ever-expanding list of get-to-eventually shows already!
You dangling cleavage in my face isn't helping! :'(

Monroe calls it 'Geölter Blitz', then says that's literally 'bat out of hell'.
In fact it translates as, I kid you not, 'greased lightning'.

No, -i- get that. But what That Guy on the Internet appears to imply is that Lucinda kills her stepmother and then only -next- learns about the finances.

I explained that to myself as him being a cop and as such having access to the evidence locker where the thing will inevitably end up. So if he ever needs to face a bat-creature again, he could 'simply' go pick it up there rather than at the trailer.

Also 'Bernard Aidikoff', causing a huge financial mess… Surely I wasn't the only one immediately thinking of Bernard Madoff.

"Lucinda learned about the financial troubles when Nick and Hank
initially came to talk to the husband and Spencer about the death of the
Than can be, but it still doesn't explain why she went up and killed her stepmother to begin with, which is what the reviewer refers to.

It's actually more that normal people can't see (or subconciously don't believe they see) a Wesen, whenever the Wesen is 'cloaked'. Lucinda 'uncloaked' in those confrontations with her relatives.

Try Netflixing The Postman. Speak to his shriveled honour!

Yeah, I didn't exactly mind Cars either, in fact it still has rewatch-value for me, if usually bottom of the Pixar-pile of choices; but it just never excited me or warmed up my coldcold heart emotionally to the levels that other Pixar outings did. And for some reason I have a much easier time swallowing a talking fish

Ever since the 'candle move' of last week I've been stoked for what they'll bring for the character of Lucrezia next. Not that I didn't already like her before; but in that episode her last bit of innocence was kinda trampled out through Paolo's fake-suicide. (Least that's what I took from it) And then subsequently

You can actually spot a monkey sitting in front of the throne. Combined with a friar of all people kissing her shoe there, it makes me regret della Rovere has already moved on to Florence, so they can't replicate the scene somehow on screen. (putting aside for a second the non-logic of him just walking in there while

I haven't seen Cars 2 yet either. It's on my to-add list for my much enjoyed other Pixar films, but Cars (1) is precisely the reason why I felt no rush seeing it, the subsequent reviews the reason why I feel no rush obtaining it. (in other words: i'll happily hold out until a price-cut with this one)

So he doesn't like lesbian couples? :-/