
Hey now, it's a joke. No need to cross daggers about it.

That's ATOM.
Have you learned nothing from porn?!

Gotta go with 'There Is a Light…' too. And 'Half A Person' deserves another mention.

No, no, you misread. They're talking about The Smiths, not the Mozarts.
Still, that lead guy, what a drama-queen, eh? Even worse when he went solo.

Because the indians had huge… tracts of land.

You won't get an argument from me that this place (let alone you) needs classier humour. It's why I enjoy visiting this site day in day out, reading and Liking crazy and snide stuff which i'm sure by now has included your comments oftentimes too.

It's hilarious (admittedly in a bad way) how the guy who keeps pissing everybody off with his (apparent; yet to see one in the flesh) spoiler posts is also always jumping in to explain earnestly how posting-etiquette works around here, then a few threads later manages once again to crack out a demeaning remark about

It is My Lucky Day when I get to fuck The Killing Numb in all its Openings as rightful punishment for Ghosts Of The Past, meanwhile admiring my Reflections in the fresh nosebleed blood on the wall, until finally I cover-up its Ogi Jun tramp-stamp with barely veiled disgust and proceed to kick it out onto the rainy

Although I (too) assume he ended up being put through a multitude of torture devices, symbolically the Judas Cradle makes the most sense to get special attention, both in the actual torturing and the review, since after all the french king wanted Alfonso for 'the judas seat' at the mock Last Supper table.
Which is why

For my ease of mind I'm filing it away as her being Hollywood Pudgy.

In eps7 Ricky's Tacos Britten explicitely mentions that 4 months have passed since he (shortly before the accident) investigated a case in that now-abandoned 'Westfield Distribution' building; and it also gets mentioned that it's been 'almost 4 months' since that building got (cleared out &) listed. (so perhaps

Pretty certain it's the same. But I totally get where you're coming from, 'cause I actually freeze-framed and double-checked myself when she first popped into view. She looks way cuter and 'softer' in S01 to me.

'Sasha Greyjoy' sounds like an airtight idea.

To add insult to injury, that last guy was still jettisoned as deadweight. :-p

If you'd be watching for the mythology primarily, I wouldn't bother, unless it gets a 2nd season.

You should wear the turtleneck when that happens.

Are we all forgetting he blew up the car with his accomplices, and shot a guy point blank before pushing him out of a truck? That's neither british nor soldierly.

They showed him having that soon-to-be-gf down by the motorbike-fixing though. (she was also in the audience for the memorial i think, sitting next to Rex's friend. You know, the MILF-guy.)
But all the same the 'rex has a crush on coach' idea did cross my mind ever so shortly when he was being so against his dad coming

wonderbar: "And his wife would never know."

T-Bag's gonna smooth-talk his way in there soon if Glenn doesn't step up.