
Well isn't the curse basically that no one gets their wish/happy end, except the EvilQueen, in that she gets to see and enjoy everyone else not having their wish fulfilled/happy end brought about.
Even if they all don't know it and lead a reasonable happy life on the surface, they're not living a fairytale happy life,

EmmaWK: "What I don't understand is — if the Huntsman has so much honor and compassion, why the hell did he accept a mission from someone who was oozing malice from every pore?"

Still, a budget backed by the financial might of the Disney Corp. It's not like they can't afford it. :-p

I'm assuming it's a wolf-whistle. And the wolf will probably lead her to the 7 dwarves next.

Dear KeithZG, from the Wikipedia page on Operation Cyclone:

That's been bugging me too. Could he explain it with 'a war wound, left metal in my chest' though?

Yeah, if it has to be one of their kids, much rather the son. She's had a couple really strong moments that make me genuinely interested in the character, much less so her brother.

Hah, yeah! When I saw that thing, my first thought was 'is she gonna put that on her head?'
And then when it went around her neck instead, it still gave me a feel of purposeful modesty, covering up that little bit of exposed skin. Then again maybe she just has weird dress-sense in this state. :-p

"—Pretty certain the mole is Galvez. Saul says "Start looking around you" and the camera cuts right to him."

Interesting thought certainly. Though like you I have hard time seeing Saul chose the life of one person (even if his wife) over many.

Actually both his hands are in his pockets there, when before we saw his hands at least doing the mental prayer-beads thing if nothing else as he recited prayers while being watched. I went to check especially for your otherwise clever idea. :-) Also is Gettysburg memorial even towards Mecca, lol?

No hard feelings otherwise, but I wouldn't mind you editing a SPOILER warning into your post, not for the Saul=/=mole bit, since that's relatively small potatoes in comparison, but rather for SPOILER Damian Lewis being back for S02, as it gives more than a little away over the outcome of the suicide bomb-plot.

Well, I don't think Brody wants to necessarily strike back for the killed kid, or just the killed kid, even if he or Abu Nazir says so. Right now you could think he's just making the next pointless move in an ongoing back-and-forth terror-war.

Put it in my 'shows to watch' list, thanks.

But so they have said in so many words that there IS a mole?
'cause that be a shame. Both them telling and there being one. :-/

This episode happened to mention that as much as 16(!) agencies knew of the CIA's operation to get Walker.

I'm okay with it too; as long as the case-of-the-week entertains me enough, and so far it does.

I've been thinking in the direction of The Fox Reynard too, even mentioned it at a late hour last episode I think, maybe the one before. :-D
Though those 'Grimm foxes' being mentioned below sound interesting too, I consider Reynard the fable character as a much bigger, more influential presence, a trickster constantly

According to internet porn it is, and we all know that's based on the real lives of sad and lonely people.

Well, it's more that I keep hanging on to the belief that there should (have) be(en) a payoff to the S.S. story, but that even were it to ever come (and I reluctantly have to agree it's unlikely to even come anymore), that by then it would feel completely unearned.