
wiped. wrong thread.

Yeah, if Pam and CeCe had shortly come to the party too and he'd drawn a devil's face on the actual CeCe, i could see the complaints here, but for me it was just a clever and funny move.
(Pam might have done it then, though, in an effort to help Jim. I wouldn't put it past her after the water bottle 'breaking'. :-p  —

Jesus, that's massive.

I've been wondering if they're just keeping her around to make her a Scranton Strangler victim with a 'known face', if not much of a backstory whatsoever. (maybe that D'Angelo blonde too, retroactively? I don't recall if her quiting/leaving/whatever was specifically referred to, ever.) This is of course hinging on my

That'll cost you at least a parish hall roof.

Ah, like so. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
I did take extra note there too, but I was under the assumption the wound was more toward the collar bone than the shoulder itself, so the whole soapy water covering up that area except for the tip of that shoulder was sufficient enough for me.

It was covered up by a makeshift stylistic accessory as she dined with Durant, but in later shots you can see a bit of bandage underneath it.

Ah, thank you. You spared me from going crazy over a freaking babydino and who wants that, really.

By the way, anyone else notice they deliberately framed CopDad as a gunslinger entering a saloon near the end? You know, cause he's the sheriff.

I was surprised they even literally adressed it in-show.

So apparently even that bit where it's in her arms and crawling out and then walking away is animatronics(?) (as per Dance Monkey Boy further down)

That was an animatronic even where it walked out of her arms and away?

I think she pressed them to increase the strength of the pulse.

Perhaps retrograding is an unknown side-effect from travelling back in time.

Perhaps you'll get lucky in that GentlemanCaller Soldier (that's how I keep referring to him in my innocent mind) has to comfort Exposition Maddy to the point where he'll take his shirt of just to dry all the tears she'll cry over Symbolism Zoe's horrific (yes, please) death.

Perhaps she popped in through that broken window.
You know, the one Josh created to get in even though he stole an access card from his mom. But yeah, those only work on cabinets for some reason…

I really have fuck-all idea why i watch this show anymore, but at least it indirectly provides me entertainment, through reading these comments and being able to freely bitch about the show on mIRC as-I-watch.

They can't even build a prison-cell for one single person, so how will they hold an adult-dino?

The thing that stuck out most to me in that sequence, apart from CopDad randomly pointing into the sky ('look kids, it has ridges!'), was how pretty damn GOOD the CGI of the babydino crawling out of and walking from her arms was, and then subsequently how TERRIBLE once again the CGI of adultdino was & of adultdino +

If it leads to a legal battle, or Wars Than Lawful if you like, specifically one that ends with a bath'leth in one or more of George Lucas' chins, i'm all for it.