
You're as repetitive as this notification system!

"Grimm has a problem with giving creatures terrible puns for names that reveal their identities."

1 notification per 11 articles does seem a much better ratio, yes.

Me, I watch this show more than anything for Kelsey Grammer.
And to laugh a little bit at its extremes. (ears-thing, needle-to-the-neck, etcetc)

@Meredith Blake: "In the past I’ve suggested that Boss suffers from a lack of impulse control"
Kinda related to this remark:
I get a much bigger kick out of, and take the show much more serious, when it does a scene like the one where he sits alone with Kitty in the office, and you can sense the anger and menace and

"Alderman Ross (whose wife Zajac ogles appreciatively)"

Flagged!               For OFFSIDE!

See also: Queen Victoria.

"(when Maddy mentioned how the Doc stole an identity I was thinking maybe they carved his girlfriends face-off, but that would be too cool for this show)" — i thought the exact same thing, down to the 'this show ain't doing something that clever'. Sad, so sad.

No worries, it's the future/past equivalent of E904.

But that's the thing. What DID happen next?

Exactly what i was gonna post. Thanks for saving me the effort.

Dear The Public,

Having already realised (from the title, etc) that this one was gonna deal with bees, i took extra note of a guy in the flash mob scene wearing a bee-ishly striped shirt (& who wasn't participating in the flashmob). Had expected him to pop up as the killer. That didn't pan out, alas.

That ain't their natural skin-colour. It's smog stains from future world's pollution.

Try a "Go Away, Zombies"-song next time she starts tearing up; it worked on this stupid episode.

Those weren't enough pecs for you yet? o.Ô

Better yet, a wife.

Agreed. I'll take a dialoguing vagina over those any time of the day.

The 'cabin' in this particular wood must be the rare female internetter then.