
Well there was this grainy thing on the internet once, but that might have been the whiskey.

Yeah, it's not like just a bit earlier some character happened to find a stash of stabbystab things which got handed out to the group, then tested properly in a religious establishment.

This show can do with more people who have weathered looks.

And Katie Holmes!

Hm, I appear to have had an earlier comment of mine removed from this thread. :-/
More specifically something that was intended purely as a joke, not an insult.

You're thinking of 4chin, brahman. Common mistake.

They retooled it into this.

I actually counted the skull underneath the commander's desk as one and it was a better supporting character than the actual single dinosaur making a pointless threatening appearance near episode's end.

"Why was the outpost doing research on that disease in the first place?"

Her voice alone kills her for me already.

Won't the ladies be more interested whether you can buy alcohol?

My pros are these cons coming for your home.

i can't wait for the newspaper-headline-turned-CBS-procedural episode spawned from this scenario…

Admit it, folks. We all have a little Joe Bronx inside of us at times.

Who do you think Suggested this to them?!

too bad Sally Struthers ain't quite your size, Giant Ivory Tower. :-/

At least until escortingbarrel signs up too finally.

Count yourself lucky then, my good man.

specifically, the Chelsea Flower Show coverage?

This will never sell !!