
Hey crapbucket, what did I do to deserve this? Why hast thou stolen my avatar? There isn't enough room in this town for two Zardoz S&M Sean Connerys!

Holy shit - that must be the woman who was on an episode of Erroll Morris' "First Person" - really really amazing, I should have put it on the "makes me cry" list a few back - she says she originally went to a slaughterhouse because she thought in images, and an abstract concept like death was inconceivable, and bim

All you jackasses with your guns and ammo - yeah, I got some sweet guns, I'm not bragging on them - what I AM bragging on is my sweet leather football gear adorned with feathers - i am going to be one fearsome-scavenging-bane-of-Swine-Flu-zombies-Road-Warrior-motherfucker.

People, People, People, this is a RESPIRATORY infection - and it's passed from human to human - YOU CAN'T GET IT FROM FOOD ANY MORE THAN ANY OTHER FLU

Alright, enough of this nonsense, the only way you could get this RESPIRATORY infection is by breathing germs from coughing or sneezing, or some cough or sneeze on a doorknob.

Did anybody else notice that the "Healthiest 55 year old in the world" was the doctor from Annie Hall that told young Woody Allen that the Universe wouldn't be expanding for hundreds of years.
Also - I'm to baaaad to get swine flu

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid - when the sheriff gets shot and wanders off to die, and Dylan's "Knocking on Heaven's Door" Plays - gorgeous -
- I guess I am on a post-modern Western kick - because that scene in "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" where McCabe is dying in the snow - holy shit -
The Times of Harvey Milk - the

also, Jeffrey Dahmer and Ed Gein (sic?) - we grow em with good taste in skin-based furniture upholstery in Wisconsin too

edked - do you go to McGill or something?

Even though the parents wouldn't let me swear, our favorite movies to watch together were "The Commitments" and "The Big Lebowski" - also "Raising Arizona," which isn't as ironic - also, my dad gave me an appreciation for the weird with "Buckaroo Bonzai" "Dr. Stranglove," and Monty Python at a young age - I remember

I have a friend, and, like, her, and Micheal Cera, like, totally flirted, and they exchanged numbers, and he said she was pretty, and he got chased away by a disgruntled autograph-seeker, but they totally e-mailed each other, and they both lived in Toronto, but then he went all Hollywood and gave her the big diss -

remake of "Twins" - the Cera Twins

When I read about the janitorial "spiritual guide," an idea appeared as if by magic: Picture it: Sad-sack upper middle-class guy who spends too much time at the architectural firm/book publisher/News magazine, and not enough time for his flustered working wife and children, goes out to the office late at night to pick

Yeah Decider, I think it actually could be an interesting little critique. I wonder why the AV Talk didn't mention "Starship Troopers" in the mode of "ironic fascism" -
oh, and -
Taxi :: Taxi Driver

@ Millicent R Finagle - For the record, Jeaneane Garofalo - mmmmm
Also - Jean Seberg

Dear FullFlava,
I believe my expertise in this matter can help avoid further confusion, The film mbs is referring to is 2001 A Space Travesty, starring Leslie Nielsen, and people in alien Halloween costumes.

Is everyone here Mormon? AV Club did always feel kind of Mormon-y…

"Songs from the Second Floor" Should have been on this motherfucker - especially with all them guvment types talking about the "Swedish Model" - it is interesting to see the "Swedish Model" in action: :::SPOILER ALERT:: Having the stock brokers walk up and down the streets whipping themselves, or failing that,

Maybe it will be like that Goosebumps episode where the camera takes a picture of the people as skeletons, showing how they will soon die!!!
My best approximation for the cause of death of the above photographed ladies is nonchalantly opening catalogs/cupboards and being killed by bombs (unibomber style) or unleashing

Liam Neeson's pre-owned car dealership is Lexus-certified - that means, that Lexus - one of the most prestigious and famous and well-known car companies in the world - has put their trust behind that dealership.